A girl fell from the sky

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As soon as I land on the balcony to the house of wind Nyx appears in front of me, his violet eyes dancing. I recognise the mischievous grin plastered on his face. "What have you done now?" I ask, pretending to sigh before flashing him a grin of my own. He laughs and winks at me you'll find out later, he says into my mind.

Rhysand appears next to him. He takes one look at our matching grins and sighs. "I dont even want to know this time" he says, smiling. My father lands in the balcony a moment later. "Az will be here in a sec" he says to Rhysand before looking to us. "Whatever you two are planning, do not piss off Nesta" he mutters. My mother passed on her particularly stubborn and aggressive nature to me. When the two of us team up, there is nothing stopping us. 

Azriel appears a moment later. My father mutters something to him and Rhys that make them all smirk. Nyx opened his mouth to say something but stopped.

There was a bright flash in the sky over the mountains and everybody froze. With my fae sight I could make out a figure. Falling. Someone was falling. I launched into the air instantly, the others at my back. I raced towards the edge of the boundaries and as soon as I cross them, Nyx grabs my arm and we winnow to the spot where the figure had just been. 

Rhys, Cas and Az appeared next to us, all of us frantically searching the surroundings. And then I spot her. Lying on the forest floor, her blonde hair spread around her head like a halo. I drop to the floor and hurry over. I can scent blood. The girl , who cannot be older than me, is unconscious, just lying there, sprawled on the ground. I kneel down next to her, feeling for a pulse as the others land behind me.

"She's alive" I mutter. "Where did she come from?" My father asks, looking upwards. "I dont know" said Rhysand, frowning. Azriel kneels next to  me, examining her. "I dont recognise her clothes or her scent so I dont think she belongs to any of the other courts" the shadowsinger says quietly. 

Feyre winnowed in beside Rhys. He must've shown her everything through the bond.  "Az will you be okay carrying her?" she asks and Azriel nods but Cassian turned to Feyre "what do you plan on doing with her?" he asks, frowning "Taking her up to the house of wind. She needs a healer. Once she wakes up we can get some answers" Azriel carefully lifts the girl into his arms and disappears. He's soon followed by everybody else until eventually its just Nyx and me.


I stare at Ash for a moment. He stares back. "What the hell just happened?" I ask. "I have absolutely no idea" he replies, turning to stare at the spot where she had just been. He turns back to look at me, smirking "I get her when she wakes up though" he says playfully. I laugh "in your dreams" "oh you think she'd rather go to you because your heir of the night court? You don't stand a chance against me, cousin" 

"Oh really?" I dare, grinning. His hazel eyes meet mine and he grins back. I am a year older than Ash so by immortal standards, we are basically the same age. We are the same height and both have wings due to our Illyrian heritage. I can choose whether I want to have them out or not, just like my father, and somehow, probably due to nest's involvement in the cauldron, Ash can as well.

We are not entirely sure about any other effects this may have had on him, but Ash doesn't seem to mind. Gods forgive the day he gets given siphons. From his fathers power to his mothers previous gifts, I'd imagine it will be a sight to behold and he will be a force to be reckoned with.

We've trained together a lot, but neither of us have yet to see any real battle. Hopefully, we won't have to for a while. Don't mistake that wish for a sign of cowardice though. All of us know the stories from the battle with Hybern. We all know the casualties of that war and none of us are in a hurry to repeat it. 

"I think my charming good nature and infinite good looks will be more than enough" I say.  Ash just laughs at me "but neither your looks or your charm are quite as good as mine" we launch back into the air, bantering about who would win her over. We were still arguing when we landed at the house of wind and my mother came out to greet us. 

We were so busy debating I didn't even notice her until she spoke up "you two are just as bad as your fathers" she says, smiling. "What's that supposed to mean?" Asks Cassian as he strolls up to join us "it means that they're too busy thinking with their dicks than their heads" we grin back at her unashamedly and she laughs. 

"And how does that relate to me and Rhys?" Cassian questions, smirking at the looks on our faces. "Okay Cass, what's one of the first things you said to me?" Cassian looked confused for s moment "we don't bite unless you ask us to" Says Feyre pointedly. Cassian laughs and grins "fair enough" 

He turns to the two of us "girl falling out of the sky or not, you two still have training. So, get your sorry asses into the training ring!" 

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