Impatient horse of death

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I hope yall are enjoying this so far :)
I am thinking about writing an assassin type enemies to lovers with all my fav tropes in and a six of crows/acotar/tog crossover so drop a comment if that's something you're interested in!

P.s I may or may not be drafting a spicy chapter if you want it ;)

 things are about to get really interesting in a couple of chapters so stay tuned! 

Well, enough from me, let's get to the story!

Asterin POV

My court seemed rather impressed with Nyx and Ash, my father especially. My carranam is like a brother to me, and I have no doubt I will end up marrying my mate at some point, so all in all they are basically like second sons to him now. Sam is being his usual over protective self but I have no doubt he'll relax soon enough. Once training ends, we're sat around the table in the great hall, eating breakfast.

"so how have the wyverns been since I've been gone?" I ask Manon. "well, the illness that was spreading around has cleared up so we can get back to normal. Shadow refused to take another rider and just seemed content to follow Abraxos out flying" she explains, a hint of softness only reserved for her beloved wyvern glinting in her eyes. Shadow was my wyvern, named because since birth he was like a shadow to me, constantly guarding and protecting. For the first few months of his life, he slept in my room, guarding me. "well, I better go see him before he starts destroying the aerie. Speaking of which, did you bring the Rhukin?" I ask, looking across the table to where Sartaq and Nesryn are sat. "just two units from my clan" Sartaq answers. 

"so what do you plan on doing today?" my mother asks "well, I thought I could show these two around" I answer, gesturing to Nyx and Ash who are looking to me with keen interest. "but I also wanted to see Hellas as well, I doubt any of the stable hands have been able to get near him" I say and my mother laughs "just try not to let him kill you, you only just got back" my father adds. I laugh "I can't promise anything. It is, after all, Hellas. He'll be just as mad at me for leaving him as he is happy to have me back" "I don't think that horse is capable of being happy" Chaol says, smirking. "He'll show it by choosing not to rip me to shreds. Did you manage to bring Farasha?"
"Yes, we turned her out next to Hellas"
"I really pity the stable hands then" Henric says, chuckling.

Once we've finished, I get up and gesture for Nyx and Ash to follow me. "where are we going?" Ash asks, as we walk through the brightly lit corridors. Servants and members of the court step to the side and bow as we pass, smiling and offering congratulations on my safe return. I smile and thank them, occasionally asking them about their families and lives outside their work. It's an important thing and one I was always taught, in order to earn respect, you must respect them in return. Plus, I genuinely enjoyed it. 

I led us through a door to the side and out into one of the smaller palace gardens, following the gravel path towards the stables. "your subjects seem to adore you" Nyx remarks as a young stable boy smiles and bows to me. I smile "I adore them as well" "you'll make an excellent queen" remarks Ash, smiling at me. The golden sunlight plays with his dark brown hair and reflects off his hazel eyes, making him absolutely stunning. Not that he is ever anything but stunning.

When we arrive at the stable block, the head stable hand approaches us, smiling. He's dressed in a white shirt and beige breeches with a whip in one hand "Asterin! It's wonderful to have you back! We were very worried" I laugh "thank you, I missed this place a lot. How bad has Hellas been?" Apparently, Hellas had refused to allow anyone near him and his feed and hay had to be placed carefully over the fence to his paddock. I thank the stable hand and walk towards the fields, my mate and Carranam beside me. "so which one is Hellas?" Nyx asks, looking across all the paddocks. "that one" I say, pointing to the furthest field where a horse with the coat the colour of a storm was trotting up and down the fence line.

As soon as I got closer, Hellas realised who I was and cantered up to the gate, stopping and whinnying. I laugh and turn to the two males "you may want to just stand back, I don't know what he'll make of you" Ash and Nyx seemed more than happy to comply, hopping over the fence that lined the track through the middle of the fields, into the field next to us. There was a large black stallion and a grey Asterion mare turned out there. They both looked up at the intrusion and began walking over. "don't worry about those two, they won't try anything, it's just Hellas you've got to worry about" I say as I approach the gate.

Hellas is standing rigid, ears pricked forward. He leans his head over the gate to sniff my outstretched hand. I can see him debating between biting and nuzzling me. He settles on gently nipping me, gradually increasing in force until I give him a piece of carrot. "Alright then Hellas, fancy going out?" I say, stroking a hand down his neck. Hellas impatiently kicks the gate until I undo it and push it open. He trots out, looking around before turning back to me. He eyes me for a moment before rearing up, kicking at the air and landing in the ground with a thud. 

"yeah, yeah big guy, I get it, you're the Alpha" I say, patting his shoulder. Hellas walks over slowly to the fence which Nyx and Ash are leaning against, watching him warily. He turns to look at me curiously before turning back to the two males. He eyes them carefully, watching the two of them. Obviously bored of them, he turns back to me and starts searching me for more carrots. "Nope, sorry big guy, not yet" He bites me on the shoulder as a sign of his impatience and Ash growls. I laugh and Hellas looks up, stalking towards Ash with a look and gait that clearly said I will quite literally kick your ass. 

Ash doesn't move, eyeing the horse cautiously. Hellas kicks out at the fence they're leaning on, but neither of them react. Bemused, the horse inspects them again, sniffing each of them. Nyx reaches out a hand and I nod. Hellas makes to bite him but at the first stroke to his nose he instantly relaxes. "deep down he's a big softie" I say, watching Nyx stroke Hellas. Hellas takes offence to that and kicks me in the shin.

"well, I want to show you around Terrasen, so we're going to go riding" I state, scratching Hellas on his withers. Ironically, Hellas's back was taller than my head so it was a bit of a reach. Hellas shook his head and neck, snorting. Ash laughed "you know what phoenix, I think I'd like that" he says and I grin "brilliant, what about you Nyxie?" I ask, using the nickname I know he pretends to hate but secretly loves. "I don't know" Nyx says, eyeing the horse warily "were you never taught to ride?" I question. "well... yes, but I don't particularly... enjoy it" he says, a little timidly. "you're not fond of horses?" I ask. 

"I didn't say that, I just mean... I never quite got the hang of it and it never felt right" he concludes, watching Hellas carefully. "we learnt to ride together" Ash explains "neither of us were any good, I mean yes we can ride, but with any skill? not a chance" he says, smirking "well, I can teach you anything you don't know" I say. Ash and Nyx climb back over the fence and walk on my left, my right side taken up by the large and rather interested Hellas. I didn't need a headcollar to walk him down, he'd go where he wanted to go.

When we got into the yard, I called one of the stable hands forward. He kept his distance, jumping out of his skin when Hellas stomped impatiently, wanting to keep moving. The stable hand nodded in recognition of my request and hurried off. I lead the four of us into the outdoor school, closing the gate behind me. Hellas trotted the perimeter, ears pricked forward. A moment later, a second stable hand appeared with his tack and practically threw it over the rail to get away from the horse that was now cantering for him, ears flat against his head. 

I tacked him up, Hellas making sure I knew just how inconvenient it was for him every so often by nipping me. As I finished, the first stable hand approached leading the black stallion and grey mare from the field, both now tacked up. I thanked him and tied the two horses to the post in the yard to keep them away from Hellas. "they're both Asterion horses" I explain as I help them mount up "it means they're basically the finest breed we have. Both of those two should be well behaved, it's just Hellas you've got to worry about" 

Nyx takes the grey mare and Ash takes the black stallion. Once they're both mounted, I enter back into the arena and call Hellas over. I could use a mounting block but Hellas is tall enough that climbing the fence is just easier. I swing onto his back and he rears, a display of excitement rather than an attempt to unseat me. I laugh as he prances forward, fidgeting with the bit. "those two will be fine either side of Hellas" I say, watching as the two males take up positions either side at a slight distance. 

Annoyed at the lack of movement, Hellas gives me a swift buck and I chuckle. "yeah, yeah alright, we'll move in a minute" Hellas just bucks again, his patience non existent.

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