an heir to Terrasen

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Aelin POV

Maeve. Maeve is alive. Shit. Oh shit. No, that's not possible. We killed her, she's dead. But she's not. I saw the proof with my own eyes. The Valg are back. Myself, Rowan, Aedion and Dorian all stiffen at the sound of her name. Rowan puts a hand on my shoulder. Maeve wants my daughter. Why does she want my daughter? I almost kick myself at that. Of course she wants my daughter. Asterin possesses more fire magic than I did before I forged the lock, with Rowan's there as well... She is arguably the most powerful fae in our world. 

"how is that possible?" I ask "we killed her" "I believe" the small woman introduced as Amren says "that she was daemati. I think that this allowed her to move her mind from her body. You killed her body, not her mind. This time, we have other daemati who can help to stop her doing the same thing and allowing her to be killed fully." I nod, it makes sense. "we can do nothing about her now, however" Rhysand says, those violet eyes fixing on me "she does not know Asterin is in the night court - we stopped the Valg from communicating that to her so you are safe here. You may stay here as long as you wish" I nod in thanks towards him. 

"how did you get here?" Rhysand asks "wyrdmarks" I say. They don't look confused so Asterin must've explained it to them. "so that means you can get back?" Feyre asks "yes, there's no limit to the wyrdmarks so we can return here as well" Aedion replies for me.

I look to Asterin who's sprawled across Nyx and Ash. She looks so happy now that she knows she can be with both her kingdom and her mate and carranam. I meant what I said earlier. The two males are a part of our family now. I don't know them that well but I have a feeling Rowan will be having a conversation with them later on. "thank you" I say to Rhysand "we might stay the night if you don't mind" Feyre beams "of course" she says. I share a glance with Rowan and look to Asterin. She mutters something to the two males and stands up. I stand up as well and the three of us leave the room. Asterin leads us back outside. The moment the night air hits us, she turns and hugs me. I hug her back.

"She's back" she whispers, pulling away. Rowan leans down and kisses her brow "it's alright little phoenix" he says softly "we will find a way to deal with this. Together" he pulls her into a hug "it's different this time" he continues, stroking her hair. "how?" she whispers. He pulls away, cupping her cheek with his hand "we have you" he says. We share a glance and Rowan nods to me. If we're going to tell her, now's a good time. 

I crouch down and place a hand on each shoulder "before this all happened, we wanted to ask you something after training" I say softly "we talked to your brother and your sister, the council and the lords, so all who we have left to tell is you" She looks to me, those Ashryver eyes meeting my own. "phoenix, providing you want to, we would like to name you heir to Terrasen" Rowan finishes, gazing at his daughter.

Asterin looks lost for words "why me?" she eventually asks. "neither your brother nor your sister would like to take the crown. They think you deserve it more than themselves. They believe their duty lies in protecting and assisting you, not ruling" I say gently. She closes her eyes and thinks for a moment. She opens them and those turquoise eyes meet my mate's green ones "okay" she says, quietly and I smile. "well then, Asterin Ashryver Whitethorn Galathynius, Valkyrie and heir to Terrasen, why don't we go back inside?" Rowan asks and she laughs. "oh, you might want to see something by the way" she says and holds out her hand. Flames the colour of ice light in her hand. "it's something new I learnt" she says, letting the fire dance across her palm "it's what happens when I combine both your powers - the fire and the ice"

Well, that's certainly interesting. "it's beautiful" I say and Rowan nods "you should see what happens when Nyx and I join together" she says, extinguishing the flame and grinning. I laugh and we go back inside, taking up the places where we were before, Asterin sprawling out once again over her two males. "we were just saying about the blood oath" Aedion says, looking to me. "so who is blood sworn to you?" Cassian asks me.

Asterin POV

As my mother replies to Cassian, Ash leans down to me, his breath tickling my neck "would you ever take me as your blood sworn?" he whispers. Nyx whirls around when he hears this, gazing intently between me and Ash. I think for a moment "yes, but I think I prefer forcing you to do things. If I could just make you do something by asking you, it wouldn't be any fun would it?" I reply and he grins back at me. "that reminds me" I say, addressing the two of them as Rhysand begins explaining some of the dynamics of the night court, "I have something to tell the two of you later on" I say, quietly.

They both look very attentive. "what is it?" asks Nyx curiously "I'll tell you later" I reply, watching Rhys. "no, tell us now, sweetheart" Ash says. I shake my head and he chuckles "guess we'll have to find a way to get it out of you here" he says, eyes glinting as he slips a hand up the back of my shirt. At the first brush of his fingers against my spine, I shiver. He strokes up and down my spine gently and I do my best to focus on Rhysand, trying as hard as possible to ignore feeling at my back. I can feel him tracing over the tattoo - he's memorised it and doesn't even have to look.

I shuffle slightly, trying to shift away but Nyx stops me. When it's obvious I'm not going anywhere, I lean back and give in, rolling my eyes "my parents have made me the heir to Terrasen" I whisper. Ash grins "I think" he whispers, his lips brushing my neck "if you are to one day become queen, me and Nyx might have to practice... worshipping you"

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