a cabin in the mountains

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Asterin POV

Once we're finished, Nyx winnows us up to the cabin he spoke of. It's less of a typical wooden cabin and more modern, set into the side of a mountain. There are floor to ceiling glass windows around the edge because the view is stunning. I'm so tired from everything I almost fall over. Ash catches me, chuckling and carries me into the bedroom with Nyx following closely. As soon as I lay down on the soft sheets, sleep starts to claim me. I struggle to keep my eyes open as I say "you two can join me if you want" They look to each other and then climb into bed either side of me. The bed was massive and could've fit two Illyrian males with their wings stretched. I feel their bodies press closer to mine and I fall into a deep, sleep.

My eyes flutter open and it takes me a moment to remember where I am. Looking around the room, I see that grey curtains have been drawn across the large windows at one end of the room. The floor was covered with a light grey, soft carpet and there were two doors at the opposite end of the bed. One to lead out the room, one for the bathroom. We were lying in a large bed with soft, blue-grey coloured sheets. The room is lit up with the light of dawn. Ash shifts behind me "morning princess" he says, sleepily. Nyx stirs too "morning darling" he purrs and I chuckle "morning bat boys. Do you want to get up?"  They both seem to jolt awake at that.

In response, Nyx slips a hand under my shirt. "I can think of something I'd like to do first" he says, quietly and Ash smirks in agreement. An hour later, I managed to detach them long enough to get dressed. My clothes had found their way into a drawer in the bedroom and I changed into a large sweater and leggings, my new tattoo peaking out from the neckline. Before we'd come here, we'd gone down to the Illyrian camp. Now each of us had a matching Illyrian tattoo that spread from up our spine, spreading out over the back and shoulders and over the top, stopping below the collar bone. It ran from our shoulders and down our arms to our wrists in a beautiful swirling pattern that gradually thinned out and spaced out as it drew further down the arm. 

I'd chosen it because it actually wrapped around my current one and because there was enough space between, in and around the swirling pattern for my father to add to. Ash and Nyx had spent a lot of time worshipping it this morning. I move to open the door but Nyx catches me around the waist, leaning in. "are you trying to escape us?" he says and I laugh. "no, but right now food is more important" He chuckles and releases me, and we walk through a small corridor and into the main living space. The curtains are open and the view takes my breath away. The sun has just come above the mountains, spreading golden light and turning the sky slightly pink. We're so high up that you can see the mist in the valley between mountains and some of the lower lying clouds.

The living area is carpeted as well, with some comfy looking arm chairs and sofa's and a fire grate that's already lit. Of course it is, the house actually has magic. Ash appears behind me, wrapping his arms around me and pressing a kiss to my neck. I laugh and pull free, kissing him properly before walking over to Nyx who is in the kitchen area. The kitchen area is tiled with underfloor heating. The cupboards are a blue colour accented with grey and with a grey worktop. There's a tray of pastry looking things on the work top, no doubt provided by the house, and three steaming mugs of tea. I take one and slip onto one of the raised bar stools so I'm at the right height. Nyx comes over and kisses me on the forehead, pressing a mug into my hand.

I thank him and take one of the pastries. They are ,of course, delicious. Between the three of us we eat quite a few, but the house keeps restocking the plate. When I'm finished, I shift into a wolf, relishing the change in form, and pad over to the fire, facing the window. Nyx comes and sits on the floor beside me, stroking my silver fur and Ash takes the nearest chair, watching the two of us contentedly. 

The next week was heavenly. As promised, Ash and Nyx kept me up a lot. They seemed to enjoy having their wings out. I enjoyed it because it meant that I could make them beg very easily. Sensitive Illyrians. The remaining time was spent eating, sleeping and once or twice, flying. I could've stayed there forever with the two of them. My mate and my carranam. Unfortunately though, Rhysand called us back. He had tried not to, but apparently there was something urgent that needed dealing with in the court of nightmares, requiring Nyx's presence. He knew the three of us wouldn't be separated though. Not now.

So, we winnowed back to Velaris somewhat reluctantly. Ash and Nyx had already explained how the court of nightmares worked and the roles we would have to play. As soon as we arrived, a blond haired woman flung herself at me, pulling me into a hug, squealing. I could only assume this was Mor, who, up until this point, had been dealing with something at the border. "I finally get to meet you!" she says excitedly "I've heard quite a lot about you, but your're Ash's mate?" I smile and look to Ash "yes, I am" "and Nyx's carranam?" "yeah" "wow, you really are a part of this family then!" before I have a chance to think over that, she drags me upstairs, talking to me about dresses. 

An hour later and we all meet back in the entrance hall. As I descend the steps with Mor beside me, everyone turns to me. I do have to admit, Mor did a brilliant job. She'd fitted me with a stunning black dress. The shoulders, sleeve and some of the back were made from a see through dark grey material that showed my tattoo. The opaque, soft black fabric that made of the rest of the dress joined it in a pattern shaped like fire. It fitted like a second skin down to my waist, where it flowed to the floor like water, pooling on the floor. There was a slit in one side and the skirt had patterns of fire embroidered in the skirt in black sequins that rippled each time I moved creating the impression of moving flames. Feyre had given me a crown and insisted I wear it. Apparently, we all had to pull rank with this and whilst my kingdom was in another world, I was still a princess.

The crown was simple, made from a silver metal. It was the outline of flames from my dress. It sat on my head, a reminder to the world of who I was. Nyx and Ash looked breath taking too. Nyx was dressed in a tailored jacket and shirt that matched his dark hair and violet eyes. A crown similar to his fathers sat on his head, dark metal woven with silver gems that looked like stars. Ash was dressed in matching armour to Azriel and Cassian, both of whom had all seven siphons out. I walked over to my mate and carranam, both of who were watching me with stunned expressions. Well, it was time to put on a show.

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