Sam's got a secret

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I wake up pressed between two very familiar bodies. As quietly and smoothly as I could, I pushed myself over the top of Ash, sliding onto the other side of the bed. Silently congratulating myself, I made to get out of bed when an arm snagged around my waist and pulled me backwards. Chuckling, Ash wrapped his arms around me, pressing me to his chest. I roll my eyes "sorry you soppy thing, I do actually have to get up today" I say, attempting to pry his arms off me. "nope. You can stay hear with me" he murmurs, still half asleep. I laugh "sorry to disappoint you, but I do" I say, elbowing him in the stomach. Laughing, he releases me and I slip out of bed, flashing him a smirk. Nyx stirred on the other side of the bed, muttering something about murdering whoever just woke him up.

An hour later, I am finally up, dressed and out of my chambers. The moment I stepped foot in the hall, Fenrys ran up to me and dragged me over to Sam. "Guess what?" he says, excitedly and Sam rolls his eyes. Curious to Sam's annoyance, I shrug and urge Fenrys on "I think your brother has his eyes on a young man" I grin at Sam as he groans "is that so?" I ask. My brother glares at Fenrys "and who might this young man be?" I ask "that is no concern of yours" Sam growled, rather half-heartedly. I turn to Fenrys who shrugs "sorry, I don't know. He caught himself before he could say anything else" Turning back to my brother, I flash him a grin "oh I will get that name out of you" I say, smirking. Sam groans again, muttering to himself as he turns away. 

My mother walks past me, stopping when she notices my grin, my father stepping up beside her. "what are you grinning about?" she asks, eyes alight with interest. I laugh "nothing much, just working out how to get Sam to tell me who the young man he's interested in is" From the other side of the room, I watch Sam flip me off. I return the gesture and look up to my parents. My mother looks very excited and very mischievous, my father looks amused. 

Okay ya'll so this was a very quick chapter for all of you - who do we think Sam's love interest is? Also, thank you so much for 8.4K!!!! Please comment any ideas for future chapters!!

Also, I have started writing another fic with Azriel cause he's my fav so at some point would you want to read that? I might post the first chapter soon!

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