sad bat boy and sad wolfy

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Also couple of points from me so feel free to skip!

Anyone else absolutely in love with shadow and bone on netflix? I don't agree with a couple of bits (like the general kirigan asking alina to call him aleksander - don't come at me) but my favourite character is now Milo the goat!!!

If you could fancast this, who would you cast?

(Crown of gilded bones spoilers btw): I read the bit at the start of this book this morning in school and I thought Kieran and Casteel died and was SOBBING MY HEART OUT and then my friend told me they stayed dead and I was in computing and I was just sobbing because I couldn't face a whole book without them and then they were alive and I was crying even more and then becket died and I LOST IT lol - I'm too mentally unstable for this :)


I sit on the bed for what must be hours, my mate's back pressed to my chest, her head on my shoulder and her legs between my own with my arms around her tightly. I never want to let go. I want to hold her forever, safe in my arms, until the day I die. She stirs in and out of consciousness every so often, not opening her eyes for anything longer than a few seconds. It's torture seeing her like this, pale and shaking. Her fever is gradually going down though. I haven't seen or heard from anyone else since I was taken in here. I have no idea how much time has passed since we were some how captured.

I absentmindedly stroke her hair, leaning against the wall and shutting my eyes. How could this have happened? How could I allow this to happen? We'd been drugged somehow, most likely in what we'd eaten or drank. Were the rest of the court prisoners as well? I doubted it, none of them had seemed exhausted or tired like we had been. That meant that we had most likely been betrayed. More importantly, how did Maeve know who we were?

Every question, puzzle and worry disappeared from my mind when I felt my mate shift. My eyes snapped open to meet a pair of turquoise and gold ones. "Asterin" I whispered, stroking a hand through her hair. She seemed to be fully conscious unlike previously where she'd barely had the strength to partly open her eyes. Yet here she was, whispering my name. I pulled her closer to me and pressed a kiss to her hair, pulling away to allow her to sit beside me instead of in front. 

"we were drugged" she whispered as I brushed my hand over her jaw, pushing back a piece of stray hair that had escaped her braid. "yes" I respond quietly, gazing into those beautiful eyes. "you had some sort of reaction to the drug we were given, I think it's because it represses magic and you have quite a lot to repress" I say, stroking the side of her neck lightly as she gazed at me. I couldn't stop touching her, I hadn't let go of her since I first saw her. I didn't want to be separated from her again, I did not want to lose my mate.

"I think you already know who's responsible" I whisper and Asterin closes her eyes. "I think I can guess" she replies quietly. I can feel the bond between us faintly, it's like there's a wall in between, cutting off the link between our minds. It must be worse for her, with her Carranam bond as well. She opens her eyes "I refuse to allow her to win, Ash. Whatever happens will not be pleasant, but I will do what I have to, to ensure the safety of you, Nyx, my family, my court and my kingdom. There is no easy way out, perhaps there is no way out at all. From what I know of Maeve, I know what she may try to do and I will go to the ends of the earth and back to stop it happening." she says.

I think about the stories she told me, about what the Valg Queen did to her mother and father, to her court and her kingdom. I begin to realise what she means to do. I know she would never force that upon me, would probably never even ask that of me, but what she does not realise is that I will do it willingly, that I was prepared to do it willingly before I was taken by a Valg Queen.

Short chapter ik, but I already updated today so it's a bit of a bonus!! I hope you're enjoying so far!!! What do you think they plan to do??

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