I want a sword

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I could've stayed there forever, with Nyx and Asterin, watching the sun set. But, eventually, we had to return. Asterin used her fire powers to dry us before we flew home. I keep thinking about what she said. If she was to stay here, would it be that bad? I mean, I'd love to have her here with us forever, but could I live with that, knowing Asterin cannot truly be happy without her own family?

We eat dinner, with Nyx, Asterin and I barely saying a word - we're all exhausted. My mother doesn't seem to care, because she still takes Asterin, Emerie and Gwyn off to do their valkyrie mind training things. The next few weeks pass in a blur. In the mornings we have training. Asterin has started teaching me and Nyx some of the things she learnt in Terrasen. In the afternoons, the three of us usually go flying. The waterfall has become our go to place now. It's so peaceful there, I always hate when we have to leave. Sometimes we train there, fighting each other right next to the edge. Other times, we sit and chat. In the evenings, Asterin does her mind training stuff, so I usually spend time with Nyx, my father, Rhysand and Azriel. 

Azriel seems to have taken to Asterin quite a lot. He often chooses to spar with her and she chooses to sit next to him an awful lot. 

okay yall, i cba to actually write these out properly so here's a collection of memories :)

Wolfy time

Asterin POV

We're down at the waterfall as usual, cleaning our blades. "wait, what was your other shifting form?" Nyx asks "a wolf" I reply, looking to him "can we see?" asks Ash and I laugh "yeah, okay" I shift into my wolf form and pad over to them, watching them through my ashryver eyes.


A pure silver wolf stands before me, gazing at me with turquoise eyes ringed with gold. I always thought her eyes were beautiful. The wolf looks at me before stalking around to between me and Nyx, lying down next to me, it's eyes fixed on Nyx. She's really warm and I reach out a hand and touch her fur. Her head turns to me and she cocks her head slightly, as if challenging me to touch her. I run a hand along her spine but she puts her head on the ground and shuts her eyes. I continue stroking down her spine and her breathing deepens as she falls asleep. Nyx fixes his violet eyes on mine. Wake her up and I will beat your ass into next week he says into my mind. I smirk at him The same applies to you too

Training by a waterfall (don't do this at home kids)


I deflect her latest attack, going into defensive. I block her next one and she whirls around and strikes again, a never ending storm. The waterfall roars behind us as usual and the spray floats in the air, coating the already slippery ground and drenching us. I flick a strand of sodden, dark hair out my eyes and go again. Fighting in environments like this is good practice. I look to Asterin, who is attacking me with unrivalled determination, her turquois eyes set. Strand of her golden hair that escaped her braid stick to her face but she ignores them, focusing on me. She strikes out and I was so focused on her I didn't see the blow come. I fall to my knees. 

She crosses her blades over each other and places them at my neck, smirking. 

The shadowsinger gives good hugs (I'm jealous)

Asterin POV

We're all up in the training ring when Azriel approaches me, carrying a blade in his hand. Cassian and Rhys are watching him and I intently. He smiles at me "We know that there's a chance you could get back to your world, and there's also a chance you won't, but either way, no matter what happens, we wanted you to have this" He hands me the sword. Just the sheathe is absolutely stunning. I draw at it and gaze at the exquisitely and expertly crafted blade. "It's one of the Illyrian swords. We had it made especially for you." I don't say anything. I can't. I'm completely over come. So instead I walk forwards and wrap my arms around him, hugging him. He stiffens for a moment and then relaxes, hugging me back. "thank you" I whisper. We stand there for a moment before I release him and turn to Cassian and Rhysand, who are both smiling wide "thank you" I say again. 

Craft time ;)

Asterin POV

One morning, I'm walking into the training ring with Nyx and Ash when I notice two things that set my blood on fire. The first, is that everybody is here, which is unusual. The second and most important, is that there is currently a silver ribbon tied from a beam. The ring goes silent as I enter. I look to Nesta, Emerie and Gwyn who all nod. I turn my gaze to Cassian, who nods as well, and then Rhysand and then finally Azriel, who gives me a reassuring smile. No words are needed to tell me what to do. I turn to the ribbon.

Oh gods. I slowly draw the Illyrian blade sheathed at my spine. It's now or never. I slow my breathing and allow that sense of calm to settle over me. I turn away from the river, spin around and bring my blade flying through the air. A piece of silver silk flutters to the ground and my heart stops beating. Wow. A Valkyrie. I stare at the ribbon on the floor and reach down to pick it up. Well, they're all here, so we might as well give them a show. I tied the ribbon over my brow and pull it down so it covers my eyes. I step away from the ribbon and follow the same movements as before. I barely breathe as I remove the ribbon from my eyes. 

There is a second piece of silver ribbon on the floor. I pick it up and untie the third peace from the beam, walking back over with the three pieces fluttering in my hands. There's a moment of silence as everyone stares at me. Gwyn steps forward "Asterin Asrhyver Whitethorn Galathynius" she says, putting her hands on either of my shoulders "Valkyrie" she says, her eyes shining. I smile at that and she pulls me into a hug. Nesta and Emerie join us, both looking very pleased. "first time" Emerie says "you managed it the first time" "and not once, but twice. Blindfolded" Nesta adds, smiling at me. Nesta smiling is a very rare thing to see. "you are truly one of us" Gwyn says, smiling at me. 

They all take a step back as Feyre, Rhysand, Cassian and Azriel approach. "that was quite something" Rhys says, smiling. "I aim to please" I say, grinning. Cassian laughs and takes a step back as Azriel approaches me. He smiles at me and pulls me to him, holding me tight, his shadows sliding over me "well done" he says, quietly and releases me, still smiling. I turn to face Nyx and Ash. Nyx and Ash grin at me "not bad for a princess" Nyx says.

I tie a piece of the ribbon around the handle of each of my blades. A constant reminder of who I am. A valkyrie.

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