Feyre can mind speak

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Rhysand POV

Asterin seems to fit in well with our court at dinner. Cassian seems to like her a lot - he seems pretty excited about having a new sparring partner. Azriel seems a little wary of her, but I know that's because he's afraid he'll scare her. Beneath the hard exterior he really does have a heart of gold. I'm fairly sure Gwyn and Nesta are set on turning Asterin into a valkyrie. Feyre seems to like her a lot, I think it's mostly because she was in a similar position when she first came here. Nyx and Ash are a different story. I can see from their expressions what they're thinking and I'm not surprised. I was the same when I was their age - I'd fuck any female who paid attention. 

I smirk slightly thinking about it and wondering which one of them will succeed in winning her over first. I send this particular question down the bond. If either of them manage to win her over, they're going to have to earn it. I doubt she'll let them in that easily  Feyre says. 

Snapping out of my own thoughts I focus on the conversation. "in your world what does your mother do?" Gwyn asks Asterin. "my mother is the queen of Terrasen" she says, sighing. All eyes fix to her "so you're quite literally a princess?" asks Nesta "yes, it's no different from Nyx being heir to the night court" she says, shrugging. Nyx whispers something to Ash who elbows him in the ribs. He catches my gaze and I smirk at him. He rolls his eyes and his gaze flicks to Asterin. Enjoying the view Nyx? I ask into his mind. Not as much as Ash seems to he replies. Ash is indeed staring at Asterin who is currently talking to Nesta about the wyverns. 

Asterin POV

Nesta seems really interested in hearing about the wyverns. I tell her about how Erawan originally bred them and after the war, we bred them ourselves. From her attitude and posture, I reckon she and Manon will get along well. It'd be interesting to see this court meet my own, if I can ever get out of this world.

Azriel is sitting next to me and he looks... well... slightly nervous? Who'd have thought the immortal feared Illyrian spymaster was nervous of a new girl? It was then that I noticed the scars on his hands. Oh. I recognised them. They were made by fire. Don't worry about him he'll be fine, Feyre's voice said through my head. I was so startled I nearly dropped my fork. Are you in my mind? I ask, not expecting a reply. Yes. Oh. I thought only mates could do that? 
Me and Rhys are daemati - we can read peoples minds, control their emotions, take over, alter and erase memories, even enslave them, but most of the time it's just a good way to communicate privately. 
I sat there for a moment, staring at my hands. Are you okay? Feyre asked, looking to me.
Yeah, the fae queen I told you about could do that too. She used it on my mother to basically torture her and used it on my father before he met her to make him believe he found his mate. She let him fall in love with her and then had her killed, making him believe it was his fault that his pregnant mate was killed so he wouldn't realise my mother was his mate when they met. 
Oh, I'm so sorry. she paused for a moment. Did they not feel the bond between the two of them? 
He did but they are carranam so he didn't look any further
What are carranam?
Its a bond, a bit like a mating bond, between two fae with magic. It's very rare but it means they can basically pass magic between them, so if one is drained, the other can pass on their own magic.
That's interesting to know. How do you tell if someone is carranam?
I'm not entirely sure. I suppose you'd feel the bond in a similar way to a mating bond but I never asked.
Have you got a carranam?
Not yet - they're very rare - rarer than mating bonds. It requires a massive level of intimacy too, you allow you carranam basically into your very soul - they can destroy you with half a thought. I don't know if you can get them in this world.

We paused in silence for a moment. Did fire do that to Azriel's hands?
Is that why he's looking so uncomfortable?
I think the scars bother him more than he'll ever let on. Personally, I think he's a little afraid of scaring you.
Does that have anything to do with the shadow moving around his neck?
He's a shadowsinger. He can control the shadows.
Is he trying to hide them?
Yes. He doesn't want to scare you
Why is he worried about scaring me?
It's Azriel, so I'm not entirely sure.

Somebody said my name and I looked up. Cassian was smirking at me "fancy training together tomorrow morning?" I was a little taken aback by this but I nodded and said "sure. Sounds like fun" Ash and Nyx exchanged grins and I raised my eyebrows at them. Nyx met my gaze. Looking forward to getting your ass kicked, Asterin darling? I smirked. I don't know Nyx, are you?

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