Bryaxis, creature of nightmares

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Asterin POV

Valkyrie. I still can't quite believe it. We're flying over to our usual spot at the waterfall. Over recent weeks, the three of us have become virtually inseparable. I feel something. Something different. Something wrong. There are no other birds flying anymore. The world seems to have gone quiet. On the ground, in the trees, something moves. I bank right and fly lower over the trees. I know Ash and Nyx are close behind. Something inside me starts to protest, starts to scream at me to run. And then I see it. In a clearing. A cloud of darkness. Not the darkness that Nyx, Feyre and Rhysand can make. Another darkness. It's complete and utter darkness. Swirling  and twisting at the edges. I turn and fly the other way before dropping and shifting into my fae form, watching Ash and Nyx land silently beside me.

I look to Nyx What the hell is that? I ask him silently I have no idea but we should leave. Now. Before I can reply, darkness surges through the trees. I whirl around, drawing my twin swords from my back. Ash and Nyx are stood on either side of me, swords drawn and facing the shifting mass of darkness that is now surrounding us. 

My name is Asterin Ashryver Whitethorn Galathynius and I will not be afraid. I tell myself over and over as the darkness draws closer. It stops. From that inky blackness emerges a figure. It's shape is that of a Fae. It is not a fae though, the darkness has changed the shape of a part of itself. "Who are you?" I ask, tightening my grip on my swords, the ribbons tied to them waving in the breeze, my voice steady but my heart racing. The Fae made from darkness cocks it head, considering the three of us. Around us, the darkness swirls. "You do not know of me?" it asks, sounding like darkness given voice. Which, I suppose, is exactly what the thing was. I look over it, looking unimpressed "no." I say simply, willing my voice to sound bored.

"my name is Bryaxis."


Shit. We are absolutely fucked. And yet Asterin just stands there, looking unafraid. She's facing off with Bryaxis. The stories alone were enough to make children scream in their sleep. Bryaxis, creature of nightmares. Cauldron above. 


Oh good lord. Asterin is facing off with Bryaxis. Father I call down our bond, hoping the slight panic in my voice will prompt a reply Yes, Nyx? comes his reply We found Bryaxis. That was all the words he needed to hear. I could hear the rage fuelling his next words. We'll come as fast as we can. Whatever you do, do not engage it.

Asterin POV

My name is Asterin Ashryver Whitethorn Galathynius and I will not be afraid I repeat as I stare at Bryaxis. "you smell... different" the creature in front of me says, taking a step forward. I do not back down. Neither does Ash or Nyx. They both look grim and determined. I say nothing but Bryaxis continues "you are not of this world" It says, looking over me. It's voice sends chills up my spine. I think of the tattoo across my shoulders, put there by my father, written in the old language. It says exactly what I'm repeating to myself. My name is Asterin Ashryver Whitethorn Galathynius and I will not be afraid. 

"I think I will enjoy playing with you" It says and Bryaxis attacks. It launches it's darkness towards us but I stop it, burning a shield of flame around us. The creature hisses and writhes. It clearly does not like the flame. The darkness seems to withdraw slightly. Somehow, it's fae form steps through the shield, hissing. "magic cannot save you child. I may detest it, but your flames cannot stop me." I shrug, and channel my magic into both my swords, one with fire, the other with ice. "I was made from magic, I am immune to you" it continues hissing at me. 

I give a grin that promises death and merge my two powers. Bright ice-blue flames wind their way down both blades. The temperature seems to plummet. The flame winds it's way into a crown on my brow. Such dramatic magic. "flames, yes. Ice, maybe. The two combined? Let's find out"  I say, grinning and launching myself at Bryaxis. Bryaxis meets my sword with a strand of darkness. I was right, the mix of powers is new, allowing them to inflict damage to the creature of darkness. Bryaxis shrieks and attacks. 

Despite Bryaxis being a creature of darkness, there really isn't much difference between this and a sword fight, except for the magic. I am hoping fighting like this will buy me enough time to tunnel into my power far enough. 


Asterin is fighting Bryaxis. The golden flames around us shift to that of vicious ice-blue ones. The flames reach up both our blades. Asterin is helping us. I take one look at Ash, meeting his hazel eyes and run forward to join Asterin. My own power will be useless against Bryaxis, but the combination of both of Asterin's must be different enough to prevent immunity. More of that cloud of darkness managed to get through the first shield before Asterin changed it. Ash and I launch ourselves at the darkness that has now managed to take form. The flame on our blades allow us to attack Bryaxis.

Rhysand POV

Bryaxis. They found Bryaxis. Pure panic fills me, mixing with rage. I basically scream for Cassian and Azriel who appear almost immediately, coating themselves in that black armour, siphons glowing. Feyre appears next to me, her face pale. We winnow out to the forests, flying as fast as we can and scanning the forest below. 

It doesn't take long to spot the light from about a mile away. As we race closer, the temperature seems to drop. I unsheathe my sword as I face the scene below. Asterin, Nyx and Ash are surrounded by a ring of pale blue flame. Darkness surrounds the outside of the flame. And some of the inside. Bryaxis had managed to take form. 3 fae shaped creatures of utter blackness attack them, sitting in clouds of swirling darkness. All three of their blades are covered in blue fire and three matching rings of flame burn on their brows.
They're fighting Bryaxis.
The three of them are fighting Bryaxis.
We drop to the ground facing the scene in front. None of the three turn around but Asterin must have sensed us because she yells "all of you, in the air now!" Cassian and Azriel look to me, but I meet Asterin's gaze briefly. Fire burns in her eyes as she looks to me and I feel the power build and I understand. "in the air" I yell. I grab Nyx and Cassian grabs Ash. Azriel looks reluctant to go but Feyre grabs him. I'm about to leave but Asterin meets my gaze "shield them!" she yells and I nod, Nyx in my arms and fly upwards. Nyx struggles against me, trying to reach her, his sword still coated in her flame.

Ash struggles in Cassian's arms and Feyre is still gripping Azriel's wrist. Asterin steps back and collapses the shield.
Nyx and Ash scream her name.
Feyre has to physically restrain Azriel as he yells and tries to reach her.
Darkness races for her, blocking her from view.
Blue flame erupts, pushing back and destroying the darkness.
Asterin stands at the centre, a burning crown on her head. 

I release Nyx at the same moment Cass releases Ash and they both drop down to her, not even bothering to fly. The three of them just stand there, looking at each other, swords and crowns burning. They embrace each other at the same time. Azriel is apologising to Feyre who is having none of it. As soon as they release each other, Azriel lands next to Asterin and pulls her to him. I might be mistaken but I could've sworn there were tears in the spymaster's eyes.

I land next to Feyre, who's hand is intertwined with my own. 
Azriel releases Asterin who turns back to face Nyx and Ash. The three of them just stand there, all of them covered in each other's blood. Bryaxis may have been a creature of nightmares, but together the three of them managed to defeat him. It was at that point that Cass, Az and I realised just how much blood was covering them. In spite of his protests, I carried Nyx back. He was so exhausted, he didn't even have it in him to fight me properly. Cassian carried Ash and Azriel carried Asterin. None of the three of them had the energy to protest that much and gave in relatively quickly.

Azriel POV

Asterin fell asleep after about a minute of flying, her head resting against my chest. Even though she couldn't see it, I smiled down at her as we flew. You look happy Feyre says, gliding in beside me. Only for now. As soon as we get back, everything else is going to take over and I will most likely end up fighting Cass and Rhys for the rest of the night.
I'd imagine they'll want to as well.
They had to fight Bryaxis.
I know.
They could've died!
I know. 

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