Flirting with the grim reaper

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Somehow, there's a noticeable change in the Illyrians we are training with. I was right, they fear Asterin. But the longer we train with them, the more that fear turns into respect. I asked Asterin about it one evening when the three of us were sat before a roaring fire "everyone says you earn respect, and I think there are a lot of ways to do that. But the Illyrians would not respect something they thought they were better than. So I proved them wrong. After they started to fear me because I hold that much power over them, they realise that I will not use that against them, which builds the ground to be respected" she said, gazing into the fire and letting her own flames dance with the ones already burning there.

"well, you've achieved more than me, Nyx or our fathers were ever able to achieve. In four days too." Ash said. "That's because your all male." she said, smirking "and what's that supposed to mean?" I asked, raising my eyebrows "it means, bat boy, that the Illyrians are just proud, egotistical and territorial males. They won't respect other males much, especially when they know the other male holds power over them. Their massive egos prevent almost any fear or respect. However, as a female, I'm different. They've never encountered someone like me, so they resort to how they treat the other females. I refuse to let that happen and when they can't do that, they're basically left with a clean slate. They don't know what to expect or how to treat me. And then when you start creating fear, especially when they don't know me, or who I am, in their eyes, I earn the power and the fear, allowing them to respect it."

"how did you know it would work like that?" I ask. Asterin shrugs "I didn't. I didn't expect it to work, or happen that quickly."  She really was a genius. Now, as we walk into the training ring, people give her space to allow her to reach the middle. "so what are we doing today?" she asks the group in general. We go through some basic stretching and exercises before sparring against each other, both with and without swords. Asterin takes on anyone who challenges her, winning each time. Sometimes i watch her deliberately take hits or go a little slower than she would normally, allowing the blade to nick her. I think she does it to prove to the others that she does in fact bleed and make mistakes. 

We eat with the other Illyrians as usual, something I don't mind doing since it helps the Illyrians to get to know us. When training finishes, we fly back to the house and slump down before the fire on a sofa with Asterin in the middle. We're all exhausted. Someone enters through the door and I'm about to go for my sword when my mother's scent reaches me. She enters the room and smiles at the sight of the three of us sprawled before the fire "training's going well" she remarks. "I figured the three of you would be exhausted after five days of solid training so I brought food"

Asterin sits bolt upright at that and my mother laughs before handing us three hot plates heaped with food. We devour it and my mother watches, smiling. "you've got one more day of training left before the rite and I have no doubt Rhys, Cass and Az will want to see you tomorrow, so get a good night's sleep" With that, she winnows away, leaving the three of us sprawled on the sofa. Somehow, Asterin managed to lie across both our laps at some point. When Ash points out that she has a bed, she groans and lightly hits him. He laughs and scoops her up into his arms, before carrying her to Azriel's old room. I walk up and watch him gently lay her down on the bed, pulling the covers over her. Asterin basically falls asleep immediately. She's more exhausted than the two of us, after her near constant battles against the Illyrians. I watch Ash smile at her and leave, shutting the door behind him. He catches me smirking and rolls his eyes.

The next morning goes as usual, a warm up and some light sparring. There's considerable tension in the air. The blood rite starts tomorrow. Asterin appears unfazed by this particular fact and her casual attitude seems to put the group at ease. She's walking through a slightly more difficult manoeuvre with the other Illyrians surrounding her when my father appears next to me. He stands beside me, watching the Illyrians as Asterin repeats the demonstration slightly faster. "you weren't kidding when you said she'd achieved more than we ever had" he says, gazing at the girl.

I smile slightly "does it surprise you?"
"it does. Centuries of work and effort replicated and improved in less than a week"
"yeah, but she's only broken this lot, the others are older and will take longer." Ash says nothing. Cassian appears beside us, his jaw practically dropping as he watches Asterin demonstrate at full speed to the crowd of onlookers. He whistles softly "she certainly is quite something" he says, watching Asterin show the basic points of the defence to the attack she'd just taught them. Both my father and Cassian seem tense. I have no doubt because of what awaits us tomorrow. 

Asterin waves the crowd off to practice what she'd shown them and walks over to us. I never can quite get used to the sight of her in black leathers. "gossiping are we, Rhysand?" she mocks as she runs her eyes over the four of us. My father laughs "No, just admiring the view" Asterin flicks her braid over her shoulder "I know, I am quite something to look at" she says, looking to Ash. "no offence darling, you are quite something, but I think the sight of the Illyrians respecting you is slightly more interesting to watch at the moment" I say, smirking. She flashes me a grin full of mischief "I'm not sure you'll be saying that later" she says, winking. I look at her incredulously.

I hear Cass scoff behind me and my father is trying hard not to smile but the corners of his mouth are tugging up. "I think I'll take you up on that offer this evening princess" Ash says mischievously. Asterin laughs "sorry bat boy, we've got to survive the blood rite first. Then we'll see" Ash laughs "well, now I can't die" he says and I snort "so when the grim reaper comes knocking you're just going to tell him 'sorry mate, not today, I've got a girl to get back to?" I say, laughing. Ash shrugs "something like that. Anyways, I'm fairly sure Asterin is the grim reaper" 

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