Where is my daughter?

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Aelin POV

"her" the Valg hissed, pointing to my daughter. Before I can continue my plan with Rowan over our bond, Asterin falls to her knees, screaming. Rowan runs over to her, kneeling in front of her, shouting her name but she keeps screaming, clutching her head. I glance over the the Valg who's currently on the floor as well, hissing. I check that Rowan is with Asterin before running over to the Valg with Aedion. I draw my sword ready to kill the damn thing. There's a bright flash and my daughter is gone. Screaming, I bind the Valg in ties of fire. Rowan is looking around frantically before his gaze catches on the Valg. He stalks over, growling. "where is my daughter?" he snarls at the thing.

"I don't know" the Valg hissed back "one moment she was there and the next she was gone before I could finish" I burn the flames hotter and it hisses. "finish what?" I snarl. A killing calm is settling over me. That thing, that thing that's supposed to be dead, took my fucking daughter! The Valg just hisses at me again. "how are you alive?" I spit at it. The thing grins "you'll find out" it hisses. I burn those flames even hotter and the thing gives something that could have been a scream. Rowan stands beside me, his hand intertwined in my own and I can feel his anger and worry through our bond. It matches my own.

I try twice more to get the Valg to talk but it will not. So I burn it. Slowly. My rage is flowing through my veins, sparking my fire. It took my daughter. It took my damn daughter. I let those flames burn hotter but Rowan lays a hand on my arm and I look up at him. "it's dead, Fireheart. It's dead" I haven't got the words so I just embrace him and he strokes my back. "she's gone" I whisper so only Rowan can hear me "Then we will rip apart the world to find her" Is all he says.

I mentally shake myself. My despair and worry can come later, right now I need my anger to fuel me. I release Rowan and look over everyone in the room. Quite a few guards have rushed in, probably after hearing all the shouting and screaming. I dismiss them and turn to face my court. Sam looks incredibly like rowan, his eyes promising death. Aedion, Gavriel and Fenrys all look like they're about to go on a murder spree. When Aedion meets my gaze, I can see it in his face. He's worried. Not just for Asterin. But for the possible return of the Valg. 

"We hunt everywhere for her" I say, quietly. "we do not stop until we find her. I'm going to send word to Dorian, Chaol, Nesryn and Elide. We need any help we can get. We also need to look into how one of those bastards is still alive. For now, search every inch of the castle and surrounding grounds just in case."

The search turns up nothing but I send urgent letters to everyone, asking them to give any support they can and so we can meet to discuss what to do about a possible return of the Valg. All I can do is hope that we find her before anything can happen.

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