let's kick some ass

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Asterin POV

Cassian and Azriel lead me over to the far end of the ring away from the others. "so how good are you?" Cassian asks as we finish stretching. "I can't exactly answer that because I don't know how I compare to you" I reply. "we'll start without weapons first" Cassian remarks, thinking "sparring or fighting?" I ask, watching him "How do you mean?" "Is the aim to continue the fight and keep it going or is the aim to win?" Cassian looked me over "let's start by aiming to win, shall we" he says, smirking. 

I take up a fighting stance opposite him. He's big and strong which is an obvious advantage unless I play my cards right, then, it becomes a weakness. I fought against immortal warriors in my old court, Illyrians are no different. Cassian attacks first and I dodge it easily. I know he'll start easy on me, but he'll realise soon he doesn't have to. That's when the fun begins. I quickly find the rhythm of the fight, letting it smooth over me, allowing it to become my full focus. 

Cassian is good. Very good. He matches me rather well. I think even Lorcan would have difficulty beating him. That's fine though. I've beaten Lorcan before. Admittedly, it took quite a few tries, but it happened. It does still happen, more and more often. I can feel as Cassian realises he doesn't need to hold back. It thrills me. Adrenaline floods through my veins. I pull my mind back and focus on Cassian and his method of fighting. He's very hard to find a predictable weakness in and any that do arise, do not arise commonly enough to risk exposing them. In short, he's very good.

An idea forms in my head. I strike and he defends, deflecting my blow easily. I use the momentum from his deflection to spin around behind him, kicking out at the back of his knees precisely where I wanted. Cassian falls to his knees and stays there panting and grinning like an idiot. He enjoys fighting just as much as I do. "I'm sure I don't need to tell you what would happen next?" I say, turning to stand in front of him. He get's to his feet, still grinning. "I knew it!" said Gwyn. It was then that I noticed everyone staring at me. I laughed. They seemed to catch themselves staring and turned away. I turn back to Cassian. 

"I actually enjoyed that" I say, smiling. He laughs "what, beating me?" "well, yes, but mostly just the thrill of the fight" Azriel walks over to me, smiling. "nicely done" he says, quietly and I smile at him. "why don't you go against Az next?" Cassian suggests "why, afraid I'll beat you again?" "afraid Azriel will beat you instead?" I smirk and turn to face Azriel "do not hold back" is all I say to him before taking up my position opposite him.

Azriel is a little harder to beat than Cassian. He fights much more fluently, much smoother and much lighter. Very similar to myself. I also imagine his shadows help him decipher his opponent. Using this information to my advantage, I prepare as if I were to strike the same way that brought down Cassian. I feigned moving behind him and he twisted around, leaving his back exposed. "I win" I whisper into his ear, sliding an arm around his neck. He laughs and turns to face me. "well done" he says, smiling at me. "thank you. You're much harder to beat than Cassian" I say to him and he smirks at his brother "did you hear that Cass? Apparently, I'm harder to beat than you"

Cassian laughs and approaches us "I think that's a matter of opinion" he says. I laugh at that. "who trained you?" Azriel asks, looking to me. "pretty much my whole court." "who does that include?" asks Cassian. "my parents and my brother. My sister prefers to read than train. Then usually there's Aedion, Fenrys and Gavriel. Occasionally, there's Lorcan and sometimes Manon. She often comes to check on the wyverns." "you parents train you?" Cassian asked, looking confused "yes" "but aren't they King and Queen?" "yes they are. My father is a warrior, one of the most feared and well respected in Erilea. My mother was an assassin" Azriel smiled "i thought you fought like one." I smiled back "yeah, when my mother was eight the castle was raided. Her parents and the current rulers were killed. She managed to escape but almost died. Some people believed her dead. Some people knew she was still alive. She was taken in and trained by a man named Arobynn Hammel, also known as the king of assassins. When she was 17 she was betrayed and was forced into slavery in the mines. She got out when she was 18 and that's when it all started. She trained me in everything she knew." 

"I want to meet her" I hadn't heard Rhysand approach but he was now standing behind me. He must've heard everything I'd said. "If I ever get back, I'd imagine she'll want to meet you as well. Given that you helped her when she fell through worlds." Rhys nodded. Cassian seemed to have had enough talking because he said "why don't you fight Rhys, Asterin?" Rhys looked to me "Given that I just watched you kick both my general's and my spymaster's asses, I'd say probably not" Cassian laughed "afraid of getting you ass kicked too Rhysie?" 

Rhysand laughed. "I'll fight you with swords Cassian, if that's what you want" I say, grinning at him. He laughs "all right then" "in that case, Asterin" Rhys says, catching my attention "you'll probably want these" He flicks his wrist and holds out two swords that I recognise instantly, even when they're strapped in a sheath I don't recognise. "I could kiss you Rhysand" I laugh, taking the blades from him and unsheathing them. "feel free" he laughs and I roll my eyes. "we found them next to you and I thought you'd want them back" I look up at him and meet his violet eyes "thank you"

I unsheathe the blades and weigh them in my hands. They were specially made for me, I designed them myself. The perfect weight and length to match my style. The metal was designed so that it could be removed and used with very little sound and the blades were finished with a coating that stops lots of light reflecting off them, designed for assassins. The blades themselves are made by fae and allow me to use my magic with them. I love them more than life itself and their familiar weight is a comfort. 

Azriel stands behind me, examining the blades in my hands. "I've never seen any quite like that" he remarks, gazing at them. "I designed them myself and had them specially made. They work with my magic." I run my fingers over the twirling pattern that's etched into the blade. "they're beautiful" is all he says before walking away to allow me and Cassian space to spar. Cassian had his own pair of twin swords out and is eyeing me, smirking. I flash him a grin I inherited from my mother and lunge for him. 

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