Do you still love me? I am dying to know (Jake imagine)

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Title is a lyric from "One hundred sleepless nights" by Pierce the veil ~~~~~
I walk around my apartment trying to wait for Jake to get home. I need to know he is not cheating on me. His Twitter shows pictures of him and some bimbos. He won't answer my calls or texts. It is 1:45 a.m.
Why won't he come home? What did I do? Are we breaking up? Why did he do this? I need to know. All of this makes me start to cry. Does he love me? I love him.
I check Twitter again. What see breaks heart into a million pieces. He changed his status to single. "Single life" is the caption to picture of him and a lots of girls.
No no no non no no no no. Why Jake?
I fall to the floor. Tears flow fast and become faster. I lay there for half and hour when Jake gets home. He opens the door and I get up and run to our bedroom.
"y/n come back. I need to explain "
I slam the door and lock it. He bangs his fist on the door yelling my name. This make me cry even harder.
"I'm sorry. It is not what it looks like"
I don't reply.
"I did this to protect you"
"Protect me from what"
"The fans were so mean to you so mean to you and I know it upsets you. I know that they don't like our relationship. When they started getting violent towards you I knew that I needed to protect you. So I did what I did"
I stop crying. I knew that Jake hated when they would get aggressive and violent. He did that to protect me. But does he still love me.
" Do you still love me? I am dying to know "
" You're the love of my life and you will always be the love of my life"
I open the door. He pulls my into a loving hug. He kisses my forehead.
"I forgive you"
Have an amazing day, Lee-Lee

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