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I walk into the kitchen and see Andy sitting at the table writing a song. I walk over and sit across from him. "Hey y/n. how was your day" he asks as he smiles at me. I say "My day was good. In my college health class we were learning about condoms and that made me think about you and I. I was thinking about our honeymoon three weeks ago. How we had sex. A lot of sex.

"And I remember how we never used a condom even though we had lots of them. We didn't use them one because in the blur of the moment we didn't decide to use one and two because you didn't bother to pull out. And reson three is because I thought that because I wasn't ovulating that I wouldn't get pregnant. All those reasons were a not so safe way of contraception"

"Two weeks ago I was thinking 'why is my period late' but I didn't do anything about it. I was also thinking about how I have been throwing up every single morning for more than a week. Now I recall the pregnacy test I took yesterday. Also how the results of the test was positive"

"So Andy you're going to be a father and I am going to be a mother"

After saying that I fear for the worse so I look away. "We're going to be parents" he says in a flat monotone. I hear him get up from his chair. I should have a gotten secret abortion. He is going to leave me for a baby we both don't want. Then I am pulled into a hug. Andy says "I love you and the baby y/n. We will be great parents"


Have an amazing day, Lee-Lee

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