Skype Call ( Jinxx imagine)

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You and Jinxx have had a long distance relationship for 10 months. Since he was touring you two wouldn't be able to talk to each other as much as you had wanted. A few days ago he promised to Skype you. So you waited all night for him to call but he never did.You know that he did not get the best Wi-Fi to video chat but he could call or text you.(intro)


I walk into to school/ work then my phone rings. It tells me Jinxx is calling. You answer.
"Jeremy Miles Ferguson I can't believe you right now"
"Hey y/n. I know you're mad. I've been trying to call you but I'm really busy"
" You could still text me"
"I had no Wi-Fi but now I have time and Wi-Fi so we can talk"
"Well now I'm busy"
"Where are you"
"After school/work Skype me and this time I'll answer"
"Okay. Bye"

I hang up.

9 hours of school/work later.

I couldn't wait to call Jinxx. My day had been terrible since the people who bully me punched me in the face, and gave me a black eye.

Once I get home I go into my bedroom and cry. I end up crying myself to sleep.

I wake up hearing someone singing Savior in my ear. It's Jinxx's voice.
"Yes y/n"

I jump up and hug him.
"I missed you so much" (muffled by his shirt)
"I missed you too. If you had answered my Skype then you would have known I was coming."

I kiss him. Once we break the kiss he notices the black eye.

"What happened"

I tell him. We then spend the rest of the day cuddling and talking about the tour.

I hope you like this.

Also can someone tell me why Jinxx's name has two Xs.
Have an amazing day, Novocaine

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