Cake||Ghostly (Request) (smut)

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This was requested by PhilosophicRoses. Also know that request are open and you request anything. Also I need to hurry up and post the two other Ghostly things I'm working on. They need one thing without smut and ones not posted are non smut. I was thinking about making this their anniversary but I would have to post about how they met. So I say again request. You can request smut. Gay smut (the best smut in my opinion). You can request gay smut. In this Devin cooks for Ashley dresses like a girl, that then leads to smut. Xxxxxxxxxx Ashley's p.o.v.
Today has been such a hard day. After hours of messing up in the studio all I wanted to do was go home. There I can practice the songs in peace with no pressure. Maybe Dev can help me practice the part.
I pull up into the driveway and press the button to open the garage. Of course it decides not to work. Instead of opening it manually I park on the driveway. While getting out of my car my phone falls out of my pocket, and the screen cracks. Just fucking great. I pick up my shattered phone and unlock the front door.
"Honey, I'm home" I yell. Devin doesn't answer. "I hope you're home" I mutter. Walking further into the house. The closer I get the more I begin to smell something delicious. "Dev, what are you caking" I call. I then walk into the kitchen there stands Devin in a very sexy outfit. "Go sit down at the dinning room table, babe" he says in a very sexy tone. I quickly nod and got to the table.
I sit and wait, excitement flows through my body. But it is very apparent in one special place (guess that place). He comes to me holding a plates full of food. A plate is set down for me and him. "I made your favorites. I hope you enjoy" he says, still keeping the sexy tone. I say "Thanks, Devvy. Why are you doing this? That doesn't mean I don't appreciate it. Just wanna know why". He gets up and whispers in my ear "You deserve to be to treated don't you, Ash", I nod, "I think you should not ask questions that may make me not want to solve this", he runs hand over my erection.
I stumble up. He grabs me by my shirt and let's me to the kitchen. "Undress bitch" he yells. I obey him and quickly undress. Devin grabs some cake batter and spreads it on my dick. "You should also put some whip cream on it" I say. "Maybe you're right" Devin says. Dev gets the whip cream and puts it on me. He gets on his knees and slowly put my dick in his mouth. I moan softly.
He goes down deeper, making moan more. The moans increase when he massages my testes. When I'm about to cum he takes me out. "Why" I growl in frustration. Devin doesn't answer, but he walks to our bedroom. I follow, desperate for a finish. "Lay on the bed, Ashley. Get ready for a night of extreme pleasure" he whispers in my ear.
I lay there. My dick aches, I need a release, soon. He goes into our closet and comes out with two vibrators. "I'm trusting you not to touch me. Also you can come whenever you want" he says. "Thank you, Devin" I whisper. I love it when I get to control when I come.
He gets the lube and spreads it over the vibrator. I spread my legs and he slowly pushes it up my ass. It's pushed deeper in, then it brushes over my prostate. My back arches a bit and I grab the sheets. He keeps the first vibrator in me and turns on the second on.
"I'm trying something new. Tell me if it gets too much" Devin says. He grabs my dick slowly and pumps it. I moan at this action, he then put the vibrator on my tip. It makes my back arch even more. The pleasurable device is rolled around the tip.
The intensity is turned up higher as I get closer to my breaking point. "Are you enjoying this?", he says. I moan yes. "Darling, can I come in your mouth" I ask. He answers "Of course you can". The vibrator is taken off and replaced with his mouth. Devin moves fast making me feel even more pleased.
He starts to fuck me in my ass with the vibrator. I bite my lip and come hard. Devin swallows all my come. I get up and go to the kitchen. "I'll be back" I call as I go. I get the cake batter and return to the room. I yell at Dev "Face down, ass up".
I pour some of the batter on his ass. "What are you.....?!", "Quite, darling. Just enjoy the feeling.". My tongues glides along his ass, cleaning up the cake batter. Devin moans at the action. He starts to whimper when I push my younger up his ass. "Oh my. That feels so good". I begin to add fingers to accompany my tongue. His whimpers gets louder and louder as I brush his prostate.
"I'm going to come" he moans. I take out my fingers and tongue, and replace it with my dick. "Oh Ash" he moans. He clinched on my dick, so thrust harder. "Do you want to come, darling?", he whimpers in response, "Okay, I'll make you come. But you better moan my name". He nods.
I pump him and thrust. Devin grabs my arms, he digs his nails into me. His back arches and instead of moaning he screams my name, while he comes. I come for the second time tonight inside of him.
I pull out and lay next to him.
"Yes, Devin"
"I worked too damn hard to bake that cake. So we're going to fucking eat it"
"Yes, darling"
I hope you enjoyed this. Remember that request are open. I'll write more Ghostly stuff if you want.
Never give in. Never back down.

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