How he ask you out part 2

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This is the second part of how he asks you out.
Ashley: I walk into the liquor store and grab the strongest bottle of liquor there.I can't believe my fiance cheated on me with my sister. Of all people my sister.
  I walk into the line. There are a few people in front of me. Once I'm at the cash register I pay and walk out. Before I leave the store a man bumps into me. That cause me to drop the liquor.
"What the fuck dude"
"I'm sorry. If you want i'll buy you a new bottle"
"No it's fine"
"Please let me. It is my fault you dropped it"
"It's okay. You don't have to do that"
"Well goodbye"
   I then leave the store. I don't know why I even bought the liquor if I don't drink. That night I cry myself to sleep.
     The next morning I get up and go to work. I work as a hair stylist in a very popular salon in Los Angeles. Once I get there my first client is there. It is the guy from yesterday.
    My boss says " y/n this is Ashley Purdy he is here to have his hair cut"
I lead him to my area.
"So we meet again"
"What do want me to do to your hair"
He tells me.
I start to cut his hair.
"Why were you buying that alcohol yesterday"
"Why do you want to know"
"Because you looked really upset"
    I don't know why but I tell him everything about the breakup.
"I'm so sorry y/n. I shouldn't have asked you"
"Don't be sorry it felt good to tell somebody"
"If I was your boyfriend I would never want to lose someone amazing like you"
"You think that I'm amazing"
    I'm trying not to smile but I end up smiling anyway.
"I just said that out loud. Didn't I"
"Yes you did"
"Y/n maybe after you get off of work we can go out to dinner. If you want to. Because if you don't it is okay. I know you are getting over a breakup.................." (mumbling words)
"Shut up (he stops talking) . I will go out with you. Also your mumbling makes look ridiculous"
"Really you'll go out with me"
"I just said I will"
    I'm finish his hair. He gives me his number. Before he leaves he kisses me.
" Keep it in you pants Purdy"
"Bye y/n"
"Bye Ashley"
After that I couldn't help but smile all day.
Jinxx:(Jinxx's p.o.v.) Why did I agree to go to this party? I hate parties. When Ashley and CC asked me to come I should have said no.
    A girl starts saying that they are going to pay 7 minutes of heaven and that the boys have to choose out of a hat. CC pushes me up there so I'm first. I put my hand in the hat take out a pocket watch that looks like it is ancient. The girl points to the room I have to go to.
She says"y/n is already in there"
      It walk to the door and go in. The person who is y/n is sitting there. I sit next to him/her.
"Hi I'm Jeremy but you can call me Jinxx"
"I'm y/n"
"I guess the point of this game is that we need to kiss. You can kiss me if you want"
"I've never kissed somebody"
"We can kiss or we can talk"
"Let's talk. Why are you at this party"
"My friends convinced me to come. Even though I don't really like parties"
"This is my sister's parry. She is the one who started the game. She wanted me to come so I can socialize but I have social anxiety"
"I'm just shy"
"Do you play any instruments"
"I play the guitar, violin, and the piano;
"I play the violin and the piano too"
      We spend the rest of the time talking. By the time someone opened the door the party was over. We leave the room.
Y/n sister"I told you that you would talk to someone y/n"
Ashley"where were you"
"Talking to y/n"
    We get ready to leave. We exchange numbers. Before I leave y/n comes over and kisses my lips.
"Bye Jinxx"
Jake: (Jake's p.o.v.) Today's the day I an going to ask y/n to be my girlfriend/boyfriend.
    I walk to y/n house with the movie "The Maze Runner"(a/n: I chose this movie because I have read the book series) because he/she wanted to watch it for months.
   I knock on the door and y/n answers. We then sit down watch the movie and eat junk food. Halfway through the movie. I pause it and look at y/n.
"Why did you stop it"
"To tell you this. Y/n I have been in love with you since the day we met and I know we have been best friends for 4 years. But I want to your boyfriend not your best friend. Will you go out on a date with me so we start a relationship."
"I'd love to"
We then kiss.
I'm sorry that Jake's was terrible. My brain wouldn't think of a better scenario. If you want I will write a new one for Jake. Vote if you want that to happen. I hope you like this.
Have an amazing day, Novocaine

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