The proposal (Andy imagine)

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"Y/N hurry up we are going to be late for our flight"
    Phone. Check. Laptop. Check. Camera. Check. Headphones. Check. Extra outfit. Check. Tickets. No.
Did I lose the tickets.
"Andy where are the tickets"
"In my pocket"
    I close my carry on bag and run to the car. Andy gets in and then we are on our way to the airport.
    We go through check in, security, and go to our terminal.
   I couldn't wait to go to Paris. Even though I was raised in Bordeaux (another city in France) Paris is my favorite city.
"Flight 360 to Paris, France is now boarding"
   We run onto the plane. I'm even happier that we get to be in first class. Andy chooses a seat in front of me.
(In Paris.In the airport)
"We're here!"
"Let's get our bags so we can catch the next bus"
5 days later
    It is our last day here and I'm going to miss everything. Andy suggested that we go to the Eiffel tower one more time.Once we are there Andy set up the camera.
"Close you eyes y/n"
"You'll see"
I open my eyes seeing Andy on one knee.
"Y/n I've loved you since the day we met. I've never loved someone more than I have love you. You and I are a perfect match. And I can't go another day with you calling me your husband. So y/n will you make me the most happiest, luckiest man that has ever lived and marry me"
"Yes" (Crying)
    He slides the ring on my finger. Once he stands up I embrace him. I then kiss him.
"I love you Andy"
"I love you too"
The End.
I'm hoping you like that lovelies. I'm also happy that I got to write this with out any interruptions. Since school is delayed I have time to write. I can write a part 2 to this which would be their wedding. So vote if you want that to happen.
Have an amazing day, Novocaine

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