Tasteful fun//Andy (request)

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A/n.This was requested by popplepop . Lyrics and title are from the song Acid by Ghost Town. I'd like to apologize to Har for taking so long to write this request. I've just been busy doing a lot of school work (also having writers block). Soon I have testing (which I don't need to study for) so I won't have much homework. I hope you enjoyed this Har, I also hope you think it's funny (I've been told [by people who read the draft] that it's funny).~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(Har's p.o.v.)
"I come to the reality that it's a dream. (I really wanna leave this place). I need someone to slap me in the FUCKING FACE. AHHHH" says a very loud Andy. He seems to have just gotten home from the bar. I get out of bed and walk to the kitchen, and see Andy dancing around. "Andy, what are you doing" I ask. He stumbles over and throws himself on me, also stroking my hair."Omg I've missed you Har. You're the best girlfriend ever. I like mayonnaise" he slurs. Yep, he's drunk.
I sniff him then gag. I say "Eww, Andy, you smell horrible". He slurs again "Well smoking pot will do that to you. (Stupidly giggles) Hardy-Har-Har. Also somebody vomited on me". He pushes himself off of me and walks over to Crow. "What's this, it's so colorful" he mumbles, picking up Crow. "That's your cat, Crow" I huff. "Crow. Like a bird" he yells then tosses Crow into the air. My heart instantly stops as the cat flys through the air.
Luckily Crow land on his feet and looks unhurt. I push Andy against the wall and scream "ANDREW DENNIS BIERSACK, IF YOU EVER DO THAT AGAIN, DRUNK OR NOT. I WILL KICK YOUR ASS SO HARD THAT YOU WONT BE ABLE TO SHIT ANYMORE".(a/n. Damn Har y u so violent). My heart pounds and fist are clenched tight like Andy's skinny jeans. "Sorry Har. I will not throw the bird-cat anymore. I promise" he slurs once more.
I calm down and get Andy some a glass of water, to sober him up. Handing him the water, I see he looks a bit green. "You okay" I question. He opens his mouth to speak but instead vomits all over me. "I'm so, so, so sorry Har" he says, sounding a tad sober. I shoo him off and walk to the bathroom.
I strip off the vomit covered clothes, turn on, and go into the shower. I thoroughly wash myself. My mind goes in a daydream that is interrupted by the door opening. "Har, can I shower with you, please" Andy says, sounding completely sober. Since I'm not mad at him anymore he can come in. I say "Yes Andy, you can join me".
I pull the shower curtain and see Andy undressing. Once naked he joins me in the shower. I say "Make sure you clean yourself good because you reek". He chuckles and pour body wash all over his body.
We finish our shower. I clean the mess he made and put my vomit coated clothes in the washing machine. When I'm done I climb in back into bed with Andy. "I'm going to have a killer hangover in the morning" he says. "Hell yeah you are" I laugh.
I seriously don't know what drunk people are like outside of tv. I've only had one encounter with a drunk person.
Have an amazing day, Lee-Lee

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