Runited Love//Ghostly

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This is the sequel to 'Sexting'. It was requested by PhilosophicRoses . This is part one out of three parts. *Smut warning*


(Ghost's p.o.v.)

I walk around the tour buses looking for Black Veil Brides' bus. "He said he'd be here before 4 p.m., it's 6p.m. now" I mutter. My eyes scan around, looking for Ash or any other BVB member. After ten more minutes of waiting I conclude that they're late, and walk back to my band's bus.

Halfway there a person jumps on back almost knocking me over. "What the fuck" I yell. They say "Sorry babe, I was just happy to see you again. Sorry I almost made you fall Dev-Dev". It's Ashley, he's the only one who calls me that horrible nickname. He gets off my back then turns me around to face him. I then kiss him.

 He wraps his arms around me and I jump and wrap my legs around his waist. Our kiss deepens as the minutes go by. "You're still kissing. It's been seven minutes" says Ricky. We laugh and Ashley puts me down. I say "I missed you Ash.  It feels like it was an eternity since we've been together". He pulls me in for a hug and says "But now we are together. And oh my god I've missed you. I been wanting to kiss you, hug you, do anything to you outside of a computer screen". I blush wildly at him comment.

"Before we catch up on life, I think there's something you owe me. That something is the sex you promised me months ago. And I know we both need it now" Ashley whispers seductively in my ear. I pull away from him, looking shocked but pleased. I grab his shirt and lead him to my bus. We get and luckily it's empty.

I don't let go to his shirt until we're in the backroom. He takes my shirt off then pushes me onto the bed.  He sits over my crotch feeling my hard-on. I pull my pants off. "I've needed you so bad" I moan. He flips over so I am on top. "My fingers will and never pleasure me as much as your cock does" Ashley says. I smirk at him and rips off his shirt then his pants.

I was pleasantly surprised when I see he isn't wearing underwear. To make it better he has already prepared himself with a plug. I take it out of his ass then take my underwear off, and spread lube on my member. I slowly enter him and he moans as our euphoric sex begins.


End of part 1 of 3.

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