Suck my cockiness//Jinxx

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This is something I wrote a long time ago. The content was too inappropriate and was private, so I changed it so it can be public.


"Get away Jinxx" I say as he follows me to the dressing room. He has been acting cocky and annoying all day long. It got super irritating. He wanted to do it because we both were sexually frustrated because there is not a lot of privacy on tour, so we couldn't as much sex as we wanted.

I walk into the dressing room Jinxx close behind. When I try to close the door he tries to walk in so I hit him with it. He still gets in. "What's wrong sweetheart " he says with a smirk on his. "Tell me. I can solve it" he says being to sound sexy. "You. You keep on acting cocky and constantly turning me on just to leave me horny and desperate afterwards" I say angrily.

Instead of saying something Jinxx kisses me. It's not a simple quick kiss it one that will lead us to be naked. Well I'm not letting him trick me again. I try to push away but pushes me against a table. He then starts to grind against me making me feel his erection. He starts to take off my pants.

I decided to not resist. I've wanted this all day and now I'm going to get and I really want it. He pulls down my pants and my underwear. Then it off with my shirt and bra. I rip his shirt off. He starts to leave hickeys all over neck. "Jinxx fuck me" I moan. Instead of fucking me he says"suck my cockiness" and pushes me down to my knees.

I kiss his crotch. "Damn baby you are so hard. I bet it must hurt have your big dick strained by those jeans. (He nods). You want me to take those off and suck you" he says. He nods and see that his eyes are filled lust. I pulls his jeans and underwear down to his knees.

Then I lick his erection tip to base and put all of him in my mouth. I bob my heads up and down. Do this while listening to Jinxx moan my name. I begin to go faster and he grabs my hair. He guides me through while his moans become louder. To make him feel better I massage his testes balls.

He moans as my tongue starts to lick the tip. I start to moan and that makes him thrust into my mouth. By the look on his face he is going to come soon. So I go faster. His grip on my hair gets tighter as his trusts increase. Then he comes screaming a bit as he does.

Once done he pulls me up and pushes me on to the table. He kisses my pussy and starts to lick a bit. I moan as his tongue is all over me. He starts to put a finger in and he adds more as my moans increase. When he is three fingers in he says "I'm going to fist you sweetheart so be ready to scream my name " I moan as an answer.

He adds a fourth finger then a fifth. Then a make his hand form a fist and he pounds it into me. This make my moans become loud screams of pleasure. He does it even faster. My eyes roll back, my back arches, and my legs start to shake as I come screaming "Jinxx" as I do.

We I come down from my high he pulls his hand out. He is about to get a condom from his suitcase when someone knocks on the door. "Jinxx we have to on the stage in 10" says someone. I assume it is Jake. Jinxx and I sadly get dressed.

I decided to stay in the dressing room and watch the show on the tv. Jinxx gets his guitar and prepares to go on stage. Before he leaves he says "I'll be back to fuck you soon". Then he leaves.


Have an amazing day, Lee-Lee

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