Book Couples

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This is about book couples you are a fan of. I have read all of these books.
I know this song is not related to this I've been rocking to this while writing. (I think Jayy's part is better. Sorry Dahvie)
Andy: Edward Cullen and Bella Swan (twilight series)
Ashley: Tobias (Four) and Tris ( Divergent series)
CC: Oscar and Jude. Brian and Noah (I'll give you the sun)
Jinxx: Rio and True (Atlantia by Ally Condie) (this story is has a common title)
Jake: Day and June ( Legend series)
All of these stories are really good. Divergent is better in the books not in the movies. My friend, Alice, and I have been reading the twilight series (She is on Breaking Dawn and I'm on Eclipse). You should really read her twilight fanfic. It is called "The lamb is now a lion". Some of these are good books that not many people have read.
Have an amazing day, Lee-Lee

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