Best Friends no more (Andy imagine)

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    I am woken up by someone knocking on the door. I walk towards it and look out of the peep hole. It is Andy. My best friend.
    I open the door. Andy walks in. Once he is in he gives me a big hug. I see he is crying.
"Andy what happened"
"She cheated on me"
     I always had a feeling that Andy's ex was a whore, but if I told him he would have been mad. Now since he is single I can tell him how I feel about him. I shouldn't. It is too soon after the breakup. Andy spends the night here.
One year later
     Andy and I going through my looking for my passport. I am going to Japan with me sister for a month. I am looking in my closet. Andy is looking under my bed.
"Did you find it"
"No but I found this"
He held up my diary. He opens to my last entry.
(Clears throat)"January 28, 2015. Wednesday. I can't stand keeping this secret. I want to tell him but he won't feel the same. He has been single for a year. But of course I'm to terrified to tell him. I want to scream "ANDY I LOVE YOU" loud enough for the whole world to hear. But I whisper it to myself. I love you. That's all I want to say to him. I love you not in a friend way but in a truly, madly, deeply in love with you. I don't want to be best friends, no more. I want you to be my boyfriend. But I can't say that to him. I would drop dead if I told him this. He does not love me. Time to cry myself to sleep over my bullying, the love I'll never have, and my bad memories. Till next time diary."
  Andy looks at me with tears in his eyes. I stand there looking down
"I love you too y/n. I wanted to tell you this since I met you but I was always nervous"
"It feels good not to keep a big secret like that"
"Be mine"
"Only of you will be mine"
"I'd love to"
"Me too"
     He walks over. Lifts my chin and kisses me. The kiss was full of passion, love, and happiness. It is the best kiss I have ever had.
Have an amazing day, Novocaine

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