How he asks you out

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Andy:(y/n pov)
I walk into the venue shaking with excitement. I can't believe I'm going to see Black Veil Brides live. I also can't believe I get to met them backstage before the show.
I stand in line waiting for my turn. Once it is my turn I walk up. I first go up to Andy. He signs a drawing I made.
"What is your name beautiful"
"My name is Andy"
"I know that"
"Of course you do. Sorry for saying something stupid"
"It is okay"
"Would you like to go on a date with me"
Did he just ask me on a date? Yes, he did. I'm not imagining this.
"Yes. I will go out with you"
He takes my hand and writes his number on it.
"Bye see you later"
"Yeah see you later"
I can't believe that just happened.
CC: (CC's pov) "CC come back here"
Someone yelled while I run through the park. Naked.
I'm halfway through the park when I run into someone. I fall on the them.
"I'm so sorry"
"It's okay. I'm alright"
We get up.
"Hi I'm CC and this is awkward since"
"You're naked"
"I'm y/n and you have a nice body"
"Can I make this up to you by taking you to dinner"
I put my number I their phone. I run over to my friends to tell then what happened.
I hope you like this.
I will write the rest off the band later.
Have an amazing day, Novocaine

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