Fangs in your neck//all of bvb

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I've been thinking about vampires lately. And I was thinking I should write a preference on how BVB become vampires. But I'm not allowed to use my iPad, but my mom is leaving for a while so I have time. I've also read twilight so I have an idea on how to become a vampire.Enjoy.
"He is so beautiful with his long black hair and blue eyes" says a voice. "I hear that he is very talented with instruments. And I'd love it if a man as beautiful as him to play the violin for me" says another. They stalk the boy as he walks down the dark street. "What is his name" says a third voice. The first voice answers with "Jeremy". "It is time" says the second voice.
They walk up to Jeremy and stabs right in front of him. "Hello darling we were wondering if you wanted to hang out with us" hisses the first voice. "Um no thank you. I must be getting home soon. My girlfriend will worry if I don't come" Jeremy says. The third voice says "Too bad because now you're ours and you will become one of us". Jeremy starts to run but they swiftly catch up to him. Second voice pulls out a piece of tape and tapes his mouth.
He is pulled into a ally. They throw him to the ground and pin him down. He struggles to get them off. "I bet you didn't know this but vampires are real. We are vampires and we want you to a vampire too" says first voice. Second voice flares her fangs then say "darling this will hurt..........a lot". Then she sinks her fangs into to Jeremy.
I pound on the bathroom door and scream "ANDY OPEN THE DOOR. PLEASE. DONT KILL YOURSELF. TALK TO ME FIRST". The door doesn't budge. So I back up and run into it bursting it down. I see the most horrible sight. Andy is laying there. Blood covers him and the floor, and the razor blades next to him.
I run over to him, scooping him up into my arm. "Why Andy? Why did you kill yourself? I thought that things were going good. What am I going to do without my best friend? Wait I know what I must do. I can't loose you Andy. But the only way for you to be with me is for you to become like me. A vampire." I say. I move my lips to his neck. I say "I'm sorry Andy but it is for your own good". Then I sink my fangs into his neck. Now introducing him to his eternity.
Jake lays on the hospital bed while the life support keeps him breathing. His love sits next to him contemplating the decision. Her decision to turn Jake into a vampire. Without the life support he's dead but he won't get better at all.
Why should Jake live if he can't do anything but breathe? His love moves his hair away from his neck and chokes back a sob. "I love you Jake" they whisper. That's when the bite Jake's neck. They wait a few minutes for his heart to stop then yells for the nurse. When the nurses come in she pretends to cry and be sad that Jake is dead. But deep down inside she is happy. Happy that her love will be with her forever.
"Now that we are married Christian we have to make a bigger commitment. Even though marriage is a huge commitment the thing that I want to do a even huger. I really want to literally love you forever" you say. Christian says "I will always love and I want to really commit". You nod on move to his neck. "Your life will never be the same because you will die" you whisper and bite into his neck. He gasps, his eyes roll to the back of his head, and he falls back. You check his pulse and find that it has stopped. "I'll explain more when you wake in three days" you say.
Ashley lays on the ground bleeding to death. Someone has stabbed in his chest. All because of some fight he was never involved in. He doesn't move or even speaks because he know that he die anyway.
He is slowly starting to blackout when he sees a girl walks towards. She notices him and runs towards him. The girls kneels besides him and say "I promised myself I wouldn't do this ever. But I feel like you may be my soulmate.". Ashley says "w-w-wha-wha-what d-do y-y-y-you me-me-mea-mea-mean". She says "Close your eyes and let me save you".
She lays a kiss on his neck. The kiss quickly changes into a bite. Then the venom enters his neck. The venom that will make him a vampire. She stands up and says "I need to get you to safety". She then drags Ashley away from his death place and to his future.
Have an amazing day, Lee-Lee

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