To Play Hide And Seek With Jealousy||Any member

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I want to write a series based on the album Two-faced charade by Famous last words. This is based on the song 'To play hide and seek with jealousy' (which is my favorite song by FLW). The girl in the story is named Elise so we'll keep the name.
For those of you who have seen the short film (based on the album) than you would know this is the scene where he kills Elise's boyfriend (this is not a spoiler since we should know that if we heard the album). I'm changing that scene up a bit. Italicized words are his thoughts and bolded are is his inner demon.

There he is. The man who has my Elise. This is the time. Time to kill him. Time to make sure he'll never have Elise again. I can't kill him. I just can't. You will, and I'll help you.
He stumbles towards my house. He clearly is drunk. "Hey Luke (a/n we're going to call him Luke because a name was never given). You okay?" I ask. He says "Nope, I had a bit to much to drink and I got a killer headache"
"Well why don't you come in and I can get you some aspirin"
"Uh okay. Just gotta be quick, I need to pack the rest of my stuff"
"Don't worry it won't take long"
I open the door and lead him inside. "Hey, you can I use your bathroom" he says. "Yeah, it upstairs" I say. Yes now's the time. Kill him before he gets away. I don't think I can do it. You can, you will, and you won't back down. Okay okay. I grab the sharpest knife and go upstairs. He stands in the bathroom, splashing water on his face.
I close the door.
"Hey do you have the aspirin"
He turns around to seem me with the knife in my hand.
"Woah man. What the hell. Dude calm down"
"Don't do anything to me"
"No. You have her. You have my Elise"
"You don't love her. You'll never love her like I do"
"What are you talking about"
"She's mine. And she'll always be mine when you're gone"
"Calm down"
"You never loved her. You have my Elise. And now I need to her to always be mine. Forever mine. Together we will make this right. Make her mine, make you gone"
"I didn't do anything to. Please call down"
Stop stalling. Kill him now. Or else I'll kill him. Okay stop rushing me I'll kill him.
I jab the knife into his stomach. He stumbles and lands into the bathtub. There I stab him more and more. All during that he begs for me to stop and he cries. Soon he stops indicating he's dead. I set the knife and a vomit inside the toilet. Why? Why did I do that? I killed an innocent man. I shouldn't have done it. It wasn't worth it. I leave the bathroom.
Now to hide the body. How should I hide the body? Cut him into pieces and bury him in the garden. I grab a saw and drag the body downstairs. I cut each piece as small as possible. Blood is all over me bad the floor. I try not to gag at the sight of the mutilated body. Once all cut up the bodies are put into a bag.
I get a shovel and dig a hole in the area where the garden is suppose to be. I out the bag in the hole then fill the it up. After that I do inside and take a shower in an different bathroom. I think about the question Elise has. The one where she wonders when we will work on my garden. The answer is never.
Now you're all mine.

How was that? I know it was short. Any one notice how his demon told him to cut up the body. It was related to the lyric "So I cut him into pieces, took my demons own advice". And at the end with now you're all mine. It's another lyric from the songs. I know I haven't been updating much and I'm sorry for that. I'm trying to write more. I don't know if I want to make this a series or not.
Never give in. Neve back down.

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