Reaping//Hunger games

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I know that I said I wasn't writing BVB hunger games but I decided to write the reaping. If you don't know about this than you should read part 38 or How he dies in the hunger games (warning it is very fucked up). This was an idea I had months ago when I started By all means (bvb hunger games). If you were going to ask to use the prompt than this is info you would need. If you don't know than you should know that my entire of BVB hunger games (what I post and secret ideas) idea can and hopefully be written by someone else. Because I have trouble writing my three active stories so I don't want to add more another story on to it. Message me if you want this idea.
"And the boy who will be representing district twelve in the 73rd hunger games is Andrew Biersack" says I think her name is Effie. My stomach instantly drops. I'm going to die. Why me? Why won't someone volunteer for me? I walk up the whole time my body shakes with fear. I stand next to the drunkard, Haymitch, and the female tribute. Once I'm up they say more thing but I tune them out. My only thought is that I am going to die.
No one from district twelve has ever survived the hunger games since Haymitch. I look into the crowd and find my parents. They both are probably crying over the fact that will lose their only child to the horrible capital. I then look over to my love, Prim, she stands there clutching to her mother. I bet she's happy that her sister didn't get chosen but sad that I got chosen. They all should just cherish the thirteen years I was alive because we all know that I won't win. The other tributes will beat my scrawny ass faster than a peacekeeper who had a bad day.
"We should congratulate our tributes" says Effie. Know one clap or cheers they just give me the goodbye signal. Maybe I should tell that capital bitch that here we don't celebrate this because we always dies. She needs to know unlike district one and two we don't have victors so we don't celebrate. Some peacekeepers push us off the stage and into rooms where our family can say goodbye.
Soon my parents come. They immediately hug me while their tears increase. "We love you Andy. We'll always remember you darling. Now go and try to win." Says my mom. "Make us prouder of you" says my father as a form of goodbye. None of us having anything else to say so we hug each other until the times up. "Bye. I love you both and I will make you proud" I call as they leave the room. After they leave Prim comes in. She comes over and kisses me. When we are done she says "I love you Andy. You'll try to win for me.". "I'll try to win for everyone but epically you and my parents. I love you Prim and if I don't come back then move on and try to forget me because grief is like they devil. Tortuous." I say. She begins to cry and whispers "I will try Andy but only if you try to survive".
The peacekeeper than comes in and say "Times up". "I'll try Prim" I say as she walks away. She turns around and says "I know you will and thanks for loving me". Once she leaves I am forced to go to a train. The train that will lead me to my future of death
"Jeremy Ferguson" says the capital man. I take a huge gulp of air and walk up to him. He ushers me to stand near the female tribute. "These two will represent district seven in the hunger games". They don't Finnish the speech because they are on a time limit. The girl and I are pushed into the room where we say goodbye.
My parents and brother quickly come in. "Only three minutes" says the peacekeeper. My mother runs up to hug me. Tears running down her face as she does. "Oh Jinxx why did they choose you? Why couldn't someone else be chosen? (Looking towards my brother) Travis why didn't you volunteer as tribute? You're 17 you are still eligible to go" she screams. I say "mother calm down. Travis doesn't need to go in place of me. I've lived a good 15 years of life. Maybe I'll win and come back to all of you". She stills cry now she gives Travis a dirty look. This is one of these moments where I hate being my mothers favorite. My father says "You'll do fine. I know that you will try your hardest. And maybe Jinxx you'll win". I nod at him. Travis says "Don't die dude. It would suck being a only child and even though you're super annoying at times, I love you Jinxx. And I wouldn't ask for a better brother". "NO! JINXX SHOULD LIVE. TRAVIS YOU SELFISH BOY WHY COULDN'T YOU VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE. LET HIM LIVE. YOU DONT LOVE HIM. IF YIU LOVED HIM THEN YOU WOULDN'T LET HIM GO. YOU WOULD GO FOR HIM. I LOVE YOU JINXXY. LIVE FOR MOMMY. PLEASE LIVE FOR MOMMY BECAUSE I DONT KNOW WHAT I'D DO WITH OUT MY FAVORITE SON" yells my mother. Her tears now run rapidly down her face.
Travis has a look of hate on his face. The peacekeeper than comes in to take them out. "I love you all and I'll try my best" I say. They all give me a big hug then leave. "We have to go to train now" says the peacekeeper right after my family leaves. I get up and follow him to my fate maybe even my destiny.
I will write the rest of the band later. Damn there is a lot of drama especially in Jinxx's family. Why does his mom hate her own son (Travis)?
Have an amazing day, Lee-Lee

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