I hope they like you (Jake imagine)

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   I fidget in my seat. I shouldn't be this nervous but I am. Never mind that. I should be even more nervous than I am. My parents will hate Jake.
    They won't hate his personality they'll hate his look. His long hair. How he wears all black. And especially his tattoos.
    The thing they'll hate the most is that he is 7 years older than me. (Jake is 26 so you would be 19)
     It just had to be that the week I visit my family black veil brides has a concert in this state. Of course I just had to tell my parents my boyfriend is in town. That just made them eager to meet him.
    Ten minutes then we are going to be there.
"Y/n don't worry I'm sure your parents will like me"
     I just said that out loud.
"I know. They just judge a book by its cover" (judging a book by its cover is a popular way of saying someone judges a person by how they look . It is used in America, Lee-Lee)
      Once we get to my house I want to leave. I haven't seen my parents since I turned 18 and my 20 birthday is a few months. I've gotten a few tattoos and piercings. And i have dyed my hair. Also Jake is with me.
"I hope they like you"
   We then walk up to the door and he knocks.
My mom answers the door.
I hug her.
Mom:"Who is this?" (Raising eyebrow)
"This is my boyfriend Jake"
"Hello Mrs.Y/l/n. You look lovely" (shakes her hand)
M:"come in"
We walk in.
     I know she doesn't like him. She raised her eyebrow, so she may be giving him the benefit of a doubt. My father then comes in and gives me a hug.
Dad:"Who is this"
D"hello Jake"
"Hello sir"
     My father shakes his hand. My parents then leads us to the dinning room table. Before I sit down my mom takes me to the kitchen.
M" what are you doing with a boy like that"
"Like what"
M"a rocker. Seriously y/n you could do better. I can't believe you would choose someone like him"
"Just get to know him"
M" why, because he made you look like a rocker"
"I chose to look like this. When I was living with you I wasn't allowed to look like this"
She doesn't say anything else.
    We walk back to the table. I see my dad staring at Jake like "I can't believe she chose you". My mom goes back to the kitchen and gets dinner. She has made spaghetti (if you don't like it you can pretend it is something else). She puts some on our plates.
"This is really good mrs. Y/l/n"
She doesn't reply.
D:"so, what do you do for a living Jake?"
"I'm in a band called Black Veil Brides. I'm one of the guitarist"
M:"can we hear one of your songs"
"Of course"
   Why did you do that Jake? Now they really won't like him. They hate rock.
He takes out his phone and plays The Legacy.
   They were frowning while they listened to the song.
M:"I expected more from you y/n. If I had knew that once you moved out you would turn out like this. Then I wouldn't have let you leave."
D:"You pick a rocker to date. Get tattoos. Dye your hair. And what is your job. A YouTuber."
   I didn't know they knew about that.
M:"I want you to break up with him and move back in with us."
   I grab Jake's hand and run out of the house. Once in the car I break down crying. Jake drives away from the home.
We don't talk talk until we get back to the hotel.
When we walk into the room Jake gives me a huge hug .
"It is okay y/n"
"No it isn't"
"It doesn't matter what they think"
"You're  right"
"I was going to do this there but I can do it here"
What is he going to do?
He gets on one knee and pulls out a ring.
"Y/n I don't care what anyone thinks of our relationship because it won't change how we love each other. Every since I met you my life has been complete. When I first saw you fireworks went off because I found my perfect match. I don't like you. I love you. And the only thing I would change about you is last name. I would change it to Pitts. Y/n will you marry me"
I can't believe this is happening. I'm lost for words. I just nod.
He slides the ring on my finger. He then gets up and kisses me.
It then escalates to were we are making out. I pull off his shirt. He does the same to me. 5 more minutes and we both in our underwear.
He leads me to the bed for some "fun".
I bet you didn't expect that lovelies. A proposal and some smut. I won't make a part 2 to this since I write these neutral (boys and girls). Because if I make a part 2 it would be sexual. Also smut will have to be requested. I hope you like this.
Have an amazing day, Novocaine

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