It won't hurt so bad (Jake one shot)

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     We walk into the tattoo shop. I'm getting my first tattoo. I'm so happy Jake is coming with me since he had a lot of tattoos.
  Luckily the person who is doing my tattoo has done most of Jake's.
"Have you shaved the area" she asks
     I hand her a drawing that I drew so she knows what to tattoo. I've always wanted to get a tattoo. The drawing is one the I drew years ago and it my favorite. I sit down and they prepare the tattoo.
     I squeeze Jake's hand as the needle connects to my arm. My lip starts to throb as I bite it to prevent myself from screaming. After a few minutes the pain starts to hurt less and I can stop biting my lip.
11 hours later
    It has been close to half a day and now we are done. I ask to not see it right away. They put the plastic over it and we leave. I am eager to see it.
   The next morning I take the plastic off. It looks better than I expected it.
"Wow that looks amazing"
"I love it"
I take pictures of it and send it to my friends.
I can't wait until I get my next one.
Have an amazing day, Novocaine

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