AndyxCC (Smut)

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A/n. I'm terrible at updating. I know that and you know that too.

"Get over here you fucking bitch" I scream. "Why should I you fucking asshole" CC screams back. He walks away further so I run up and grabs him by his hair. That makes him turn around and slap me in the face. "What the fuck babe. You fucking bastard" I yell. CC just walks away from me not even caring. he at the door when I run up to him. I push against the door.

"Get off me Andy"


"Why are you even doing this"

"Cause I don't want you to leave"

"Well to bad, I'm leaving anyway"

"Please don't"

"Why? So you can yell at me because you lost your cigarettes. Not me. I'm going to leave so I don't need to see you get mad over the stupidest things. I hate you Andy"

At that moment I think my heart literally broke. How could he say that to me? Why would he say that? Yeah I started the fight but......why? Tears start running down my face. I get off CC.

"You can leave Christian. Then you won't see me get mad over stupid things. I hate you too"

I start to cry heavily now. CC pulls me into a hug.

"No baby you don't hate me and I don't hate you. I didn't mean what I said. I wont leave you Andy. I love you so much"

"I love you too"

"Is their anything I can do for you. I can help you find your cigarettes"

"Later. You now we haven't had sex in days due to all our fighting. Maybe we can make up for it now"

He nods quickly and carries me to our bedroom. He throws me on the bed. I pull him onto of me. He leans down and kisses me softly, taking of my shirt. CC grinds his erection over mine, making me moan.

"You like that Andy"

I moan in response. He takes off both of our pants and his shirt. My underwear i ripped off.

"Ithough we were going to make love"

"Well Andy baby we're not. You've been bad so I need to fuck you hard so you'll learn you lesson"

He grabs me by my hair and pulls me into a position where my face is pushed onto the bed. CC takes off his underwear and coats him member with lube. He pushes in, not giving me any prep or warning.

"Ow Christian"

"Its oaky Andy. the pain will subside"

He thrusts hard causing me to scream. I bite on a pillow so I can be a bit quieter. The thrust start to become pleasurable. I stop biting the pillow. My moans become louder and louder.

"Christian harder. Please"

I push my ass back trying to get him to fill me more. He listens to my request and thrust harder. In the process he hits my prostate. I scream his name loudly. He begins to hit that spot over and over.

"I'm going to come Andy"

"Come in me"

I grab my dick and pump it fast. CC thrusts one more time and comes deep inside of me. He pulls out and pushes me onto him my back. He pulls my hand off my dick and replaces it with his mouth.

He licks the pre-cum off it. I moan even louder. He puts me deeper in his mouth to the point where he's deep-throating me.

"Christian I'm going to cum"

He moves faster, he begins to massage me balls. I grip his hair, thrust in his mouth, and come hard. I pull my dick out. CC crawls over and lays next to me.

"I'm sorry Christian. Will you forgive me"

"Yes and I love you Andy"

"I love you too"


How was that? It was way better than the one I posted earlier. Also you wanna follow me tumblr? My tumblr: blackroses-purpletears

If you want to request than just know that I'm only accepting smut.

Not using my usual ending now.


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