11. Wake up

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AN. I couldn't edit the first part when shes actually asleep into turd person because it wouldn't make sense. And this is probably the chapter that changes the most of the story line so please read xx

Aaliyah learned something that day. When you're petrified, you can still hear things.

DECEMBER 19TH 1992 - 7.30am

"Do you think she can hear us." It was Draco.

"No, I'm pretty sure she can't. But you can still talk to her and pretend she can if you want Mr Malfoy." Madame Pomfrey replied.

"Thanks Madame Pomfrey"

"Ill leave you to it so'

I heard a door open and then close.

"Oh Liyah what have you gone and done? What's happening to you right now? Why did it have to be you? It's usually mudbloods and halfbloods being attacked. Why did it have to be-"

The door opened and closed again.

"The hell are you doing here Malfoy?" It was Fred. Why was Fred here?

"I could ask you the same thing Weasley. She wouldn't want you here."

"Yes she would Malfoy. It's you she wouldn't want here. I'm the one that's her boyfriend."

"You're not her boyfriend Weasley. She doesn't want you to be here. Now leave before I make you leave"

"Fine. You know what? If you think she wouldn't want me here I'll believe you. You're the one kissing her now anyway. Aren't you?"

How did he know about that, I didn't tell anyone that I kissed Draco. Not even Riviera.

"Shut up Weasley. You don't even know what your saying."

The door opened and closed again.

"Now boys!" Madame Pomfrey was back. "What do you think your doing yelling your heads of at each other at eight am? In a Hospital Wing no less. Out the two of you."

The door opened and closed. And it was quiet. I fell asleep.

The next few weeks were much the same. George, Lee, Riviera, Fred and Draco visited me every day. Theo even visited me once a week. Every Friday. I know because he would tell me. That's the only way I knew the day of the week anymore. When Theo showed up, that meant it was Friday.

Alicia, Angelina and Katie visited often enough too. So did Harry, Ron and Hermione to my surprise. They were always talking about how they would find a way to save me. Even if they had to break some rules in order to do it. Hermione wasn't too happy with this part.

Ginny visited often aswell. But her visits always brought lots of tears. She would just sit beside me and cry and say she was so sorry for what happened. All I wanted to do was hold her and kiss her and tell her that everything would be okay, and that none of this was her fault. She didn't do anything wrong and there's nothing she could have done to prevent what happened to me.

FEBRUARY 14TH 1993 - 6am

"Morning Liyah. I wanted to wish you a Happy Valentine's Day. I know it's your favourite holiday so I brought you a card and a dozen orange roses, I know there your favourite. I even charmed them myself, so that they wont wilt. So no matter how long you are lying here for they will still be here, ready and waiting for you. I know you don't have a boyfriend this Valentine's like you did last year. But that's okay, you can be my Valentine and I'll be yours."

Fool Me Once (Book One) - Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now