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AN. Hi guys. Ive noticed that recently I have had a lot of ghost readers. I just wanted to say both thank you for taking the time to read the story and that I would appreciate it if you voted or left a comment. I love hearing from my readers and the comments really do make my day sometimes. No pressure of course, I just hope everyone (old readers and new) is / are enjoying my story

Love you all, Chloe xx 

The following afternoon, at about two o'clock, me, Elsie and Eden were discharged from the hospital wing and allowed to go home. 

Merlin that sounds crazy. Freddie and I are finally able to take our babies to our home. It really is absolutely unreal. 

Ginny and Hermoine had packed up all of my stuff from the twins room between yesterday and this morning and Fred had spent the last half half hour apparating to and from the house brining my boxes of stuff there. He had to do it on his own because Umbridge didnt let anyone else leave the school and Dumbledore was off at some meeting at the Ministry of Magic I think.

I knew one thing, if Fred wasnt returning to Hogwarts to do his NEWTS then neither was I. We had had a lot of conversations this morning regarding what he and George were going to do and he explained that after he gets out of rehab, he wants to stay with me and the twins for a week, which he already cleared with Minnie. And then he will be coming back for about a month, visiting me and the girls every weekend and then him and George have planned a big escape which the refuse to tell both myself and Lee about. 

Fred wont tell me because he thinks that I would some how talk him out of his master plan, and George wont tell Lee, because unlike the three of us, Lee is staying in the school and still plans on doing his NEWTS and George doesnt want Lee to get into any more unnecessary trouble with Umbridge this year. 

'You ready to go home princess' Fred asked as I strapped Elsie into the double pram that I had bought over the Christmas. 'Yes Bear' I said as he wrapped his arm around my waist and started pushing the pram with the other hand out of the Hospital Wing. 

'Bye Poppy' I called to the Healer that was standing at the door. 'Thank you. For everything' I said and she nodded with a small sad smile.

'No problem my dear, it was my pleasure. And good luck. I know you will need it if these  Weasley twins turn out like the original ones' she said as she chuckled softly. 

'You would have been bored without us Poppy. Its okay. You can admit it' Fred joked as we rounded the corner that led to the stairs down to the Entrance Hall. 

Fred took out his wand so that he could levitate the twins down the stairs in the pram but I stopped him before he could even utter the spell. 'I dont think so mister. Im not having my babies end up like your trunk last summer. Falling down the stairs and crushing poor Ginny almost to death' I said as he frowned at me. 

'That was one time Liyah' he told me as I began to levitate the pram down the stairs instead. 'This is really weird' he whispered as he took my free hand in his. 'Me and you. Leaving Hogwarts. Going to a house that we own, thats just ours. Us being parents to the most beautiful baby girls I have ever seen. And me and Georgie buying a premises and setting up our business. Seems we have finally grown up princess' he said, finishing his thinking out loud just as we made it to the bottom of the stairs where he pulled me into a short kiss before we were interuped by a small cough.

'Oh of course. Ronald and his odd hatred of displays of public affection' I laughed as I looked around at the group in front of us.

At the bottom of the stairs we were met with a huge group of people. Some of whom had visited us in the hospital, most of whom hadnt. There was Harry, Ron, Hermoine, Ginny, Angelina, Alicia, Katie, Amelia, Riviera, George, Lee, Daniel (Katies newest boyfriend), Lucas (Rivieras new boyfriend), Neville, Luna, a few people from the DA that I wasnt sure I recognised, among them was Cho Chang and Lavender Brown, Draco, Astoria, Blaise, Pansy, Dean, Seamus and Adrian Pucey.

The first person who walked up to us, much to my suprise was Adrian Pucey. He looked at me with apologetic eyes as Fred stood in front of me and the girls protectively. 'The fuck do you want' he spat causing me to smack him on his arm lightly and scowl at him. 'As much as I love how protective you are of me all the time. I thought we discussed this? No cursing in front of Elsie and Eden' I told him and he nodded before turning back to Pucey and giving him a death glare. 

'Look' he said as he peered around Fred to look at me. 'I just wanted to say I was sorry. I kind of acted like an ass towards you this year and that wasnt fair. I just wanted to apologise before you left the castle and I didnt get a chance to' he told me and I smiled at him softly. 

'You were a bit of an ass' I said and when he realised I was smiling he smiled back causing Fred to turn around and look at me confused. 'Im leaving the school and there is no point in holding onto old grudges. So, I accept your apology Adrian' I said as he sighed in relief. 'I accept your apology as long as you apologise to George for how you treated him and stop treating him so badly for no reason' he nodded slowly and looked at Fred who was once again giving him a death glare. 

'I will. And thank you' he said as he took my hand and shook it lightly before walking away so the rest of the group of people could come and say goodbye. 

I shared long hugs with both Harry and Ronald who promised that they would come to visit as soon as they could. With Hermoine and Ginny, I broke down in tears when I realised that this would be the first time in a few years that I wouldnt see them for a few months. They really had become like my sisters. 

Angelina, Alicia, Amelia, Katie and Riviera all hugged me quickly, promising to visit the next Hogsmead weekend, which was in two weeks. Seeing as they all knew how to apparate this wasnt too much of a problem because they would be able to make it there and back without being noticed. They left after a few minutes bringing Daniel and Lucas with them. 

Neville came up to hug me and thank me for taking him out of a body bind curse when he was in third year. I insisted that it was no trouble but he still told me he needed to thank me and gave me a Mimbulus Mimbletonia plant as a house warming gift before he walked away, shaking Freds hand and telling him he would see him soon before he left. 

Luna came up and quickly handed both myself and Fred a 'healing crystal' saying that it would protect us from harm so that teh twins would always have the both of us around. I thanked her profusely before she pulled the two of us into a spine crushing hug and went away, mumbling something about nargles as I placed my crystal into my pocket, making Fred do the same.

The random DA members all bid goodbye to Fred and I. Wishing us luck in raising the twins and Lavender and Cho came over to tell me how georgous the twins were and how good I looked for only having them yesterday. I knew they were lying, I looked a mess and still hadnt showered, but I thanked them and bid them goodbye as well. 

Blaise and Pansy stayed for a few minutes talking with me, Fred, Draco and Astoria before telling me that they would visit at Easter break to check on me and the twins. I hugged them both goodbye, trying and failing to hold back the tears in my eyes. 

'Awh Aaliyah love it will be okay' Pansy said as she pulled me into another hug. 'Its alright. We will visit loads over the summer and we will have so much fun and you will want to be rid of me so much that you would wish you never met me' she said and I giggled lightly. 'You know I could never do that Pans' I said as she pulled out of the hug and started to walk away with Blaise. 

Dean and Seamus moved from their place at the wall to walk over and pull me and Fred into a small hug. 'Im going to miss you' Seamus told me as he pulled away. 'You will not. Dean here is more than entertainment enough dont you think?' I asked cocking my brow knowingly causing the two boys to stare at me. 

'I know all' I whispered to them. The two of them looked at Fred to make sure he wasnt listening. He wasnt he was once again talking to Draco about quiddich. 'Im happy for you to. Really' I said as I pulled them into another hug. 'Why didnt you tell me?' I questioned feigning hurt and they scowled at me slightly. 'We were going to' Seamus started. 'But you ruined your own suprise' Dean finished as they hugged me once more and made their way towards the Great Hall.

'And then there were four' Draco said and Astoria slapped the back of his head lightly. 'Six' she corrected pointing at the twins when he looked at her confused. 

'Seven' said a voice behind me that I wasnt sure I recognised. 

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