14. The 16th Birthday ***

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The following week, as predicted. Gryffindor won the match against Ravenclaw. They got absolutely hammered. Fred couldn't be happier. It was all he wanted for today. It was what Aaliyah had asked of them, and still to this day, he would do what Aaliyah wanted him to. George was also delighted and began to do loops in the sky to amuse Lee who was trying his best to congratulate the winners without laughing at his boyfriends antics.

Amelia, although she was in Ravenclaw, had decided to stand with Aaliyah and Riviera to cheer on the Gryffindor team on. More specifically her boyfriend. This was the first match where she would be rooting for him, well openly seeing as the last math they had was against her own house. She was happy she did, she really liked that she got on with Fred's friends. It made her feel a whole lot more welcome when she was around them with Fred.

When the game finished, and each Gryffindor player had finished their own celebration, the gryffindor team done a victory lap in which Fred winked over at Aaliyah. He hadn't meant to. Or maybe he had. It was almost as if it was a reflex. He was quite lucky I some respects. As his girlfriend was standing with Aaliyah, the two girls assumed that it had been Amelia he had winked at. Why didn't he wink at his own girlfriend? He wondered. He had a lot of thinking about to do in that respect.

Aaliyah who was jn the crowd and cheering on Gryffindor did however notice Adrian and Dracos long faces after they lost the match. She knew she would talk to them, but not right now. She wanted to congratulate Fred and George. She told herself it was because they were her friends, but tj be honest, she hadn't been wanting to spend a lot of time with Adrian. Why didn't she want to spend time with her own boyfriend? She wondered. She had a lot of thinking to do in that respect.

At the end of April aaliyah was sitting in the library studying when Amelia came ip to her with a tear stained face.

"Ami whats-" she started to ask but what cut off when Amelia fell down into the chair beside her and started crying again.

"He broke up with me." Amelia cried into Aaliyahs shoulder as Aaliyah pulled the older girl into a soothing hug.

"Wait explain to me what happened." Aaliyah told her as she began rubbing soothing circles in the small of Amelia's back.

"He said that he didnt think that we were working and that he doesnt want to lead me on. What am I going to do Liyah? I thought he really loved me." Amelia cried as Aaliyah held her tighter and her heart broke slightly for the girl.

"Shh, shh. Its okay." Aaliyah soothed. "Its all going to be okay. Maybe you two just werent a good fit. You will find someone better I promise. It's all going to be okay." Aaliyah comforted the girl as she still held her close. She really didn't know whag to do. She had never helped someone through a break up before.

"Thanks Liyah." Amelia said, drying her tears now with the back of her sleeve. "I honestly dont know what id do without you." She told Aaliyah with a small smile that the younger witch returned.

"You would be fine without me Ami trust me." Amelia laughed. "And besides, its me that would be lost without you. I'd fail my owls without you here with me." She said and the two girls broke down into laughter.

A few days later Aaliyah and the rest of her friends were sitting in Potions class waiting for their teacher, professor Snape to show up.

"Amortentia." Snape announced as he walked into the room with his cape billowing behind him. "One of the most powerful love potions. You will each be learning how to brew it today, because questions regarding this potion will be on your exam. Now, as you may well know, the potion smells different to each person. So, I will be passing around samples and everyone will be announcing to the class what they smell." Snape said in a monotone making half of the class groan, not particularly wanting to tell the class what they smelled in the potion.

Fool Me Once (Book One) - Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now