Fifty Three

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                    Derek's Pov

"I'm so sorry. I should have told you, but I promised. I didn't know it would turn out like this." Stiles explained, his eyes red.

   "Stiles, what are you talking about?" I asked getting annoyed as I did when in time of stress.

   "I'm so sorry. I should have given her my baseball bat." He rambled.

   "Stiles if you don't tell me what's going on-" I started, getting cut off by another session of his rambling.

   "Skylar was trying to  protect you. There were people after her, and she had this uh.. vision that they were going to kill both of you. But they were only there for Skylar, uh at the loft. So she headed out for L.A. I guess she was too late."

   I let my emotions take over and came up with a sad expression and my eyes were suddenly not dry. I was still in shock and denial, but slowly I was becoming conscious. I pulled out the sheet of paper the sheriff had given me and handed it to Stiles. I could still remember the smells at the crime scene, burt gasoline, burnt leather, burnt metal, everything but burning flesh. There was also no body found, at least not yet. If Skylar did somehow make it out, she would have been covered in fourth to sixth degree burns, probably worse than Peter's. Stiles' phone vibrated on the table and he picked it up, answering.

      Immediately he looked at me and his eyes started watering, "Derek, they found  her body."

Skylar's POV

    When I noticed what I had done, I looked around to see my car was almost completely gone. My clothes were almost fully diminished yet my skin was practically untouched. I wobbled out of my car, in my bra and underwear.

     I would have been completely embarrassed if it wasn't for the close to death experience and the rage building up as I saw the black SUV.  I ran straight for it and opened the door grabbing whoever it was and throwing them out. They tried to retaliate, but I swiped my claws straight at their chest, the blood dripping from my claws. More of them came out of the car, a girl and two men. I took both men down leaving them unconscious, I couldn't bring my self to kill. The girl approached me with a mischevious smirk on her face. Her eyes seemed to flicker black.  She put one hand up and I was pinned to the car by some weird force. A thought can to mind, was I hallucinating? Stiles always talked about star wars, could I be dreaming. Suddenly I felt her clasp at my throat, nope not a dream. Too much pain. Cassandra's voice came to play and this time I listened, "Fight it Sky, concentrate and you will be victorious".

   I pushed back with all the energy I had left. I only managed to throw her a few feet, yet I was exhausted. Her eyes turned completely black again and the words came out of my mouth before I had any control, "You're a demon, literally. Oh my freakin', flappin' crap. Shoot, shoot, shoot,".

     I don't know how to kill a demon, I don't even know of you can. I took a few steps back as she stood up once more and walked towards me. Suddenly something pushed against my back. I turned to see that it was a container labeled Gasoline, I got a hold of it and reacted without thinking.  I slashed it on her, or at least what was left. Which only managed to hit her face and slightly her shirt.  She was dazed for a bit, but recovered faster than I would have. I turned and ran around the other side of the car, she came up right behind me and smashed me against the black SUV. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the rearview mirror which reflected what was inside the car. There was a lighter, an old fashioned one, my only choice if I wanted to survive. I really don't want to do this. The demon put her hands around my neck and tightened her grip as each second went by. I started to feel the lack of air, and dizziness.

    I glanced at the lighter and used my psychokinesis or whatever it was called to bring it to my hand.  She gripped tighter to the point I knew there were bruises. I closed my eyes and used the strength I could muster to put the lighter up to her shirt.



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