Chapter Twenty One

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   I woke up and almost forgot where I was. I took in the ambience of the loft. I remembered what had happened yesterday.  I looked down next to the bed, twenty feet away, Derek was on the ground face down. He let out a groan and turned over to face me.

   "Why are you on the floor?"

  He looked up at me with a raised eyebrow, "You kicked me off the bed while you were sleeping."

   "Sorry." I walked over to him and offered a hand. He reached up and took my hand,  just before he pulled me down with him.

  I usually had good balance but this sudden movement made me fall right on top of him. "You suck." I put my hands on either side of his chest and began to try and get up.

      Once I stood up I remembered it was a school day. It was already about ten in the morning. "Crap. Im so late for school." I wanted to hurry up and just go to class but I couldn't I needed to change and get ready. And I needed to brush my teeth! This is a tragic crisis!

    Derek stood up and told me not to worry that he'd called the school telling them I might not be able to make it. I was happy to be excused but I was still had the problem of facing my parents. At this time they were most likely at work unless they were looking for me. I checked my phone and saw that I had six missed calls from my mother and three from my dad. I checked my text messages and found that I had texted them saying I was staying at a friend's place. I didn't recall sending that text.

    "Derek did you text my parents on my phone?" I asked.

    "Yeah. I didn't want them to come looking for you."

    "Okay well thanks." Then I remembered that I had my phone locked. "How did you unlock it?"

    "You're password is too predictable."

   How was my password predictable? Maybe it was but only to someone who knew my birthday.

    "How do you know the day I was born?"

   "You told me once when we were training. I guess I just never forgot."

    My lips tugged at the edges. I couldn't help but smiling, no one really remembered my birthday after telling them one time. 


    I left the loft telling Derek I'd be back. I went home and parked at the convenient store nearby, just incase my parents were home. A few minutes later I reached my home. My parents weren't there, which was good news. Then I realised I didn't have a way of getting inside when I ran into the forest I didn't even bother taking my keys. I checked under the carpet. Nothing, this wasn't like those cliché movies. This was real.

    An idea popped into my mind. My window had a chance of being open. The bad thing was that my room was on the second floor. Well, atleast there's a tree.

I climbed the tree and jumped up trying to reach the ledge. I just barely caught it with one hand. Now was the hard part. I reached up trying to push the window up while sustaining my body with my other hand. I failed, but after the fourth try I had managed to lift up the window just slightly. This made the process alot easier. After a while I had pushed the window just high enough for me to fit through the gap. I got inside my room causing a bit of a ruckus.

    My parents and I had been planning for me to take a trip to Mexico over this summer, that's why I had a small suitcase in my room. I quickly got some nice clothes that I hadn't worn in some time and chucked it in the suitcase. I was panicked because I didn't want my parents to come home early and find me here.

     I made sure to brush my teeth and take my toothpaste as well as my toothbrush. I wrote my parents a note consisting of both 'don't worry' and 'don't even think about it' and the occasional 'I will never talk to you and hate you for the rest of my life'. Typical things a teenager might say. The thing was I actually meant it.

     I didn't really ask Derek if I could stay over at the loft for a week or two so when I showed up with a suitcase he wasn't amused.  I explained how my parents lied to me and that I needed space. I convinced him by agreeing to sleep on the couch, and by telling him that I don't snore. The only bad thing was that I talk in my sleep,  ever since I was younger I had a fear that I would say something weird and not know about it. I just hope that wasn't going to happen, but if it did I doubt anyone would be awake to hear it.




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