Chapter Sixty Three

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"What's up with us and abandoned things anyways?" I commented as Ian and I made our way up the old fashioned spiral staircase of the house. Ian didn't answer, so I turned to face him and saw his eyes in widened terror. Now, there were only a few things that ever scared Ian: ghosts, vampires, arachnids, and my mother.

I shined the light to where Ian was facing and crushed the spider with the back end of my flashlight. Ian shrieked as he took cover behind me. I burst out laughing and once the spider was dead Ian pouted and crossed his arms across his chest, "Shut up."

I bit my tongue to muffle my laughter but ended up in fits if giggles once more, "Oh my.. I c-can't. That was perfect. Hilarious! Oh my, it hurts." I stated as I put a hand on my stomach and bent over giggling some more. Just then we heard movement coming from what we assumed was the living room. I pointed a flashlight in that direction and we began moving forward. Cobwebs, animal droppings and dust littered the place. We heard the noise, again once we got closer, but this time even louder. I let out a chuckle and turned towards Ian. He looked at me and his eyes widened in pure terror. He then pushed me back and yelled, "How dare you possess my friend! Exorcizamos te, omnis immundius-"

I sighed, "Ian you really need to stop watching so much TV. I'm not possessed, moron. I'm laughing because it's probably just a pair of raccoons and we're here acting the same way as all the people in horror movies that get killed off first."

He looked at me and narrowed his eyes, "Abbadon, you're one tricky bitch. Spiritus omnis-"

"Ian! Seriously? Dude, this is why you haven't dated anyone since freshman year."

"Yup. It really is you. Well that was no fun. But, I appreciate not dying today."I shook my head and we began walking around realizing the rustling was from some raccoons that had made a home here. "Hey, Skylar! Look at what I found- it's awesome!" Ian exclaimed from one of the rooms. I turned away from examining the bookshelf and made my way towards him. He was struggling to pull something out from the top shelf of a closet. Even though Ian was tall, the box was closer to the back wall of the shelf.

"Do you want me to carry you up?" I asked and realized that was a weird question. Ian raised an eyebrow at me and let out a chuckle and I playfully glared at him, "I'm a werewolf, moron. I can pick you up." Just then Ian slipped and grabbed onto the top shelf in order to balance himself. I smirked at his clumsiness, leave it to Ian to trip on flat surfaces. I guess the descendant of Apollo must really have some skills.

"Got it!" Ian cheered. I looked up to see that the top shelf of the closet had broke.

"Nice job, clumsy." I smiled at him.

"When did you get so mean? The Skylar I remember was such a nice person, a bit sarcastic, but nice."

I sighed, "That Skylar is dead," then looking up at him I asked, "So, whats in the box?"

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