Charter Fourty One

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"Please tell me you didn't get something really fancy to eat." I said at a barely understandable pace.

"What do you want to eat?"

"Sorry. Whatever you want."

"I actually don't have anything prepared."

"I like pizza," I shrugged.


We had already finished eating so we started talking over random things. I noticed how easy it was for me to tell him anything, to trust him. It was a feeling I longed for- it made me feel safe, almost protected.

"I don't know, I played soccer freshman and sophomore year but I never went to any other activities like school dances or the football games."


"Once in awhile I did go to a few football games, I guess."

"How come you never went to a school dance?" I don't know why Derek would be asking me this, I didn't even know how to answer.

"I just..." I trailed off not intending to finish the sentance.

"Don't tell me you never got asked? Because I won't believe you."

I stared at the ground feeling heat rising into my cheeks, "Well I got asked, but I didn't find the point in going with the wrong person."

He bit his lip thinking this over, "And who exactly is the right person?"

I don't know if it was the darkness or the way the moonlight lit up Derek's features. Maybe it was just the general concept that individuals are more honest when physically tired and that's why they confess things during late conversations. But at that moment I practically described who he was, "As of now, he's someone I trust, which is weird because I don't usually trust people. And he has these beautiful green eyes."

Derek stood up offering me his hand, "Come, on."

"No thanks," I said making sure to watch his expression change. I smiled, "I'm just kidding." I took his hand and we made our way to the center of the floor.

I gently put my arms around him and began swaying even though there wasn't any music playing. His hands were placed around my waist. After a while I rested my head against the him, as a tear slipped down my cheek. I blinked my eyes frantically not wanting Derek to see me like this. I really was going to miss him.


"Thanks for this. Just thanks. Well I guess I'll just... go.."

"I'll walk you to your car."

We began walking out of the building falling into the same pace. "It's weird that you can keep up with me," I looked to Derek recalling memories of my childhood.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm sort of a fast walker, which is weird. I guess it all started when I was younger and my dad was always sort of my role model. He walked fast so I made sure to do the same. He set morals for himself and so did I. Every little detail I would notice." Derek didn't respond, but I didn't expect him to. When we got to my car I just stood in front of my door leaning a bit while faceing Derek.

"Thanks for remembering the little things," I said to him.

He simply looked at me confused, "Think I didn't notice the cinnamon scented candle?" Not too long ago when I had first arrived to Beacon Hills, I went on this rant over cinnamon candles and their impact on society. It might have been an overdose on caffeine...or just my weirdness..

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