Chapter Thirty Four

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     "¿Que se le ofrece?" The boy asked me.

    "Una margarita, porfavor." I was glad I was a native spanish speaker since my dad was mexican. Minor age drinking isn't an uncommon thing, heck, no one even asked for ID's here.

    My beverage came and the boy asked me how I got into the party. I took a closer look at him; black hair, green eyes, cute smile. In a way he looked like a younger version of Derek. Was I just hallucinating? I looked at him again, nope just a coincedence.

     I got out of my trance and answered the boy, "Estoy visitando de el estado de Mexico."  I lied not wanting my cover to be blown.

    "Skylar." I heard Kira call out to me.

I bid my goodbye to the boy and went to the dance floor.

    "Hey Kira don't you think that guy looks like Derek?" I asked her.

     She just gave me a sympathetic look, "Aside from the green eyes and black hair he looks nothing like Derek. I know you miss him, we're going to find him."

     "I hope so." I sighed, you know whoever said you don't know what you have untill is gone is wrong. I knew what I had, I had Derek and I lost him. That's what makes it worse, I knew exactly what I had.

   "Now hurry up and lets dance before you blow our cover."  I hesitated at first and then decided to aproach this differently. If I didn't do this then our chances of finding Derek could be at risk.


    The three of us started dancing, we ended up atracting some attention from many teens on the dance floor. After a while some of the Calaveras came after us. I'm guessing they found out Stiles and Lydia didn't come alone. We took each and everyone down easily.

     A few of them had guns. When no one was looking I took one or two...,

just incase. I would never kill anyone but I could always blackmail if we got caught in a sticky situation.

   We advanced through a hallway looking for Stiles and Lydia. Then we felt it, the horrible smell that fills our lungs giving us the excruciating feeling of suffocation, wolfsbane.

      Kira was the only one that could function, but I didn't get to see what happened next so instead I passed out.

    Good luck with Araya.

Cassandra said in a teasing tone.

   When I woke up I observed, seeing I was tied to a chair with electric wires attached. "Skylar how nice to see you, its been long time hasn't it?" Araya (the leader of the Calaveras) asked with her usual accent. Yes I knew her long ago before I was a werewolf.  My dad worked with her only now I realised they were werewolf hunters. My dad always left me out of things, he tried to keep me away.

    "Definately not long enough." I responded, which earned me a good volt of electricity. I clenched my jaw trying to hide the pain.

    "Now is that anyway to greet your mentor." She asked a mischevious smile plastered on her face.

    I rolled my eyes and kept quite, I didn't care about answering her.

    Scott was electricuted many times because Araya wanted him to give her answers to something he didn't know. I noticed Malia wasn't here, they probably have her in one of those rooms they keep "unexpected visitors".

   "Stop. Use me instead." I couldn't let Scott take this type of torture I'd rather they do it to me.

"Very funny Skylar, You always knew I  would never let you have what you want."  Araya snickered and then volted up the electricity higher.

    "Where's Derek? " She demanded.

  "We don't know," I huffed. "Why dont you send your dumbasses to go look for him?" I mumbled under my breath.

        Araya ignored my comment and gave Scott and I both another volt of electricity. "Say the name, Skylar I know what you're hiding."

  "Obviously if we knew we wouldn't be here!" I screamed at her. I felt the volts of electricity surge through me, I yelled out in pain, and then I remembered the women at the loft. Kate Argent.

     "Say the name!" Araya demanded.

  "Kate. Kate Argent." Scott said and internally thanked him.


    "So you're just letting us go?" Scott questioned.

    "Better not to question it..." Stiles and I trailed off.

      "I've sent many men to find Derek and none of which came back. Maybe you'll have better luck. But once you make a beta of your own I'll come find you. That goes for both of you." Araya smirked, setting her eyes on mine. I looked at her confused, but brushed it off she was probably just messing with me.

    Some girl by the name of Braedon was to be our guide to 'la Iglesia'. I guess now I knew, why Cassandra would always repeat those two words.

     Most of the way was just bare desert. Braeden continued on her black motorcycle while we went in my father's GMC. It was starting to get dark when we felt a small impact and the car abruptly came to a stop.

     I got out of the car and popped the hood. I checked over the engine and all the other devices connected but none seemed as if to need a replacement.

     "So what do we do now?" Scott asked Braeden.

     In which she responded that he could go with her. I walked to the trunk of the car opened it and took out my motorcycle. "Not without me." I stated.

    Braeden gave me a shrug and I told Stiles he was in charge of the car and to figure out a way to get it running. Scott was hesitant in going until Kira told him it was okay. I had to say I was waiting for them to kiss but they never did. Just a hug, I bet Kira felt friend zoned.

      I told everyone to be careful and gave Malia one of the guns I had swiped from the Calaveras. Yeah I stole two guns, but it wasn't as if they'd notice. They had enough to supply half an army.

    Everyone looked suprised, all I said was, "I have a few tricks up my sleeve".

I put on my helmet and followed Braedens bike on our way to                      "La Iglesia."                     




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