Chapter Three

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"You suck," I whinned to Ian. He was my bestfriend and we sorta had feelings for each other. We decided to keep things as "just friends" because our friendship was really important to us- relationships usually ruin friendships.

I never knew why but there was something about him that was different than everyone else, my senses had felt it. Although I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

I think that could have been the reason as to why we had such a strong connection, ever since we first met.

"What? Just because I won't buy you a drink?"

"Well... yeah.." I sighed, defeated.

"What am I suppose to get from that?" He teased.

I batted my eyelashes and gave him my sweetest smile, "The sweet feeling of helping out an amazing friend."

"Uh... how about.." He trailed off, "No."

"Ugh you're a meany." I playfully punched his shoulder, making sure to acount for the strength advantages and not over do it.

"Lets make a deal then. I'll buy you, your stupid Snapple if you invite me over for dinner, and.. make me brownies."

The deal wasn't so bad since I didn't really like being home alone. Being home alone was boring.

"Sure. But fudge brownies or the regular ones?" I asked.

He smirked in victory, "The fudge ones. They're the best."


I unlocked my front door and walked into my home Ian close behind.

After we finished making our brownies Ian decided to throw flour in my hair, in which I then threw frosting inside his shirt. Seems to just about sum up our friendship.

"Well there's your brownies, now eat before I stuff frosting in your bra." I chuckled at the thought of Ian wearing a bra.

"Uh? I don't wear a bra.." Ian mumbled before biting down on a freshly baked fudge brownie.

We had finished devouring my famous fudge brownies which were simply delicious(- they were probably the only things I could bake really well). I got Ian into helping me with my research project. I was plopped down on my bed waiting to see what he'd say about the topic of my choosing.

"Mythology? Really? You do know its not real, right?" He asked, not seeming to be as rude as the question might sound.

I shrugged, "Yeah but its interesting. Don't you think? I mean of course I don't believe in Count Dracula or whatever but, its sort of intriguing to look into the theories and opinions over it."

"True. So how are you going to cite this, we need to do an annotated bibliography."

"I'll just use the website, Ms. Michael told us about. Can you help me write down the information on the book?"

"Yeah sure."


Wednesday came faster than usual, my parents had texted me that they'd be home at four. Today I was helping out at a charity event held by our school. Helping people gave me a sort of tranquility, and I loved to do it just to atleast have a little bit of a feeling where I helped someone. I also felt as though it was some thing I couldn't just turn my back on.

The Charity event was for children that had cancer. I hated cancer, I had such a strong hatred for the disease. I found it so harsh and unexpected, it wasn't fair that in one instance you could be happy with your loved ones and the next be hanging on to dear life.

Some of the cancer patients were able to attend the event. I made sure to never show any sympathy towards them, mostly because I knew how they wouldn't want that.

The event consisted of games and all sorts of food. Ian and I had posted flyers all over town to help the cause. I made sure to invite my neighbors and get them to say they were going to go. What you have to do is guilt them into it and not give them any options. With a simple 'I'll see you there!' they'll feel obligated to attend.

"It might seem crazy what I'm 'bout to say.."

The song Happy came on, there's my que. I began to pull many of the cancer pacients to the middle of the gym floor. We all began to dance. There was only a small boy lingering, he didn't want to get onto the dance floor and as much a I insisted, he retreated.

We all began to clap to the music, once I saw everyone smiling I decided to try to get the little boy to join. He was only about 6 years of age. I told him I would buy him candy but he still had the same frown spread across his face.I bought him one of those huge rainbow lolipops that "swirl". A huge grin had spread across his face and he held out his hand asking for the lollipop.

"Nope, unless you come dance with me."

He looked to the dance floor then to the lollipop and agreed. We danced as if this was some sort of 80's show, but everyone was happy. And that's everything I wanted.



Hey sorry this chapter was sort of a filler but I need to get you to know a bit more of Skylar and Ian.

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