Chapter Thirty One

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"My phone has full battery."

"Uh yeah I charged it for you." Stiles said with a shrug.

"Thanks. Thanks for staying here with me," I gave Stiles a hug and called my parents.

"Skylar! You're out of your coma thank goodness. We didn't think you were going to be out for another three weeks. Oh honey you had us so worried."

"Its okay mom. Can you bring me some clothes? Please?"


"Okay thanks and bye I gotta go." I hung up not bothering to listen to her fairwell.

I was never really close to by parents because I knew they were hiding many things from me, but now it's worse than before. My mom still tries to talk to me but sometimes she just gives up.


"Okay, Skylar, do you remember anything about who captured him?" Scott asked me calmly.

"Actually I don't. Why don't I remember? Or maybe I do, it's just that I can't tell reality from dreaming.

"Just tell us everything."

"You're going to think I'm crazy."

"I don't think we're in a position to judge. Banshee, werewolf, kitsune.. we'll believe you."

I started talking telling them of Cassandra and the snake. Then of the man who broke in. I knew there was something more, but I couldn't remember.

"There was this women and she shot us both. Then I passed out. When I woke up all I remember is getting to Deaton because I was losing a lot of blood. I know there's more.. but I just can't remember. I just wish it was all a dream.."

I stared at Scott's bedroom walls, his room seemed so confortable. I layed back down on his bed, "Scott you've gotta help me get my memory back."

"Don't worry Skylar, Deaton has a plan."

I sighed, sitting upright, "It's just that.. if we don't find him I think I might just go insane." I fiddeled with my thumbs scared of what might happen if we don't find him. What if he isn't even alive? I shook the thought away, trying to keep my sanity intact.

"Don't worry Skylar we'll find him, I promise."

"Scott, but what if.. what if there isn't a Derek to find..."

Scott sat next to me on his bed and we sat there in silence, until he spoke up. "S He has to be alive I just know it. When you lose a pack member it's like losing limb you feel it. And I'm confident that he is alive."

I turnes towards Scott smiling, and hugged him, "Thanks Scotty, you always know what to say."

"Anyways, how are you and Kira." I didn't want to completely drop the subject of Derek, but we needed to stop getting depressed. We needed to find him. I needed to remember and maybe talking about the people I know, could start the process.

Scott looked towards the ground smiling, his dimples and all. I stood up from his bed, "You better be good to her. Or you're dead Scotty. Well I'm going to... try and remember."

"You love him, don't you?" Scott's question stopped me in my tracks, "What?"

"You know what I said."

"No, Derek and I. Uh we are just.. close friends?"

"Whatever you say Skylar. I know that look, you always get it when you talk about him."

Wow, I really need to learn how to conceal my emotions. Even though I do not love Derek Hale. "Whatever you say Scotty." I answered sarcasticly, and walked out the door.

Did I love Derek? No. I don't even know what the heck that is. And Derek was my... he was just my Derek?

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