Chapter Twenty Five

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    When I woke up this morning I remembered my dream. For the average teen, having a dream like that might seem normal but it wasn't for me. For some reason I never really remember dreaming, unless it was before I turned twelve.

      I always had that reocurring dream with Kali or I just didn't dream at all. Ever since I shifted for the first time, in four years, things have changed.

      Deaton spoke of some species of lycan that could poison the nogitsune, he had used it on Stiles. I was optimistic of the idea but still was devastated over not finding a cure.


     Luckily, there was a bit of hope left. There was some type of scroll that consisted of information on how to get rid of the nogitsune, this was what we needed.

   Derek and Argent were stuck in a jail cell. They had been framed for the murder of Katashi, the nogitsune controlling Stiles had most likely caused the sabotage.

     Scott, Lydia, Alison and the Twins  devised a plan to get the scroll. The scroll was in a hollow metal finger which Katashi wore to replace his missing digit. Aparently we weren't the only one's after it..

     When we got there, Kincade was one step ahead of us.

   "And why would I give it to you?" Kincade was asking us why he would just voluntarily give us Katashi's silver finger, which contained the scroll.

   "There's a hundred fifty thousand dollars in a briefcase." Alison explained her voice calm.

    "The scroll inside the finger is worth three million." Kincade informed us.


    "Give me the finger," Scott demanded. Once he realised what he said he sighed, "You know what I mean."

Kincade took out his claws and was ready to fight. Scott threw some punches but it seemed useless, Kincade was stronger. I only got in a few punches before he threw me right through the air.

     Scott kept trying until he was thrown to the ground. Kincade stood over him amused, "You have the eyes of an Alpha, but where's the strength?"

     "Up here." The twins said in unison as they appeared from the building above, and jumped down.

    Ethan and Aiden were great fighters, and quickly took the giant down. They wanted to end Kincade's life claiming they knew these types of people.


    "No." Scott and I said in unison. We both knew that Kincade had done horrible things but that didn't mean he deserved to die.

     "We're here to save a life not end one." Scott explained speaking my mind. Aiden gave Scott the prosthetic finger while Ethan held Kincade down.

      Scott took out the scroll and dropped the prosthetic finger on the ground. I wanted desperately to save Stiles, it wasn't his fault some malicious japanese spirit took over his body.


    We had retrieved the scroll and  had gone to Deaton to ask him if he could read it.

   Deaton spoke with an edge to his tone, "Well my japanese isn't great. But it appears that one method of expelling the nogitsune is changing the body."

    He paused, "The question is, how do we change the body?"

   Scott and I thought this over and said in unison, "By turning him into a werewolf."


         days later...


   I wish I had a sword. That would be extremely helpful, but atleast I have claws to fight. I kicked, flipped and slashed at the oni infront of me.

   flashes of darkness past quickly,. blocking my vision, and then everything stopped. And Isaac came into a clear focus, two of the oni used their swords cutting and tearing through his flesh. He was going to die and for some reason I knew he was close to death. I didn't know how but he just was. Then came Allison who shot an arrow straight at the oni. The oni looked at his chest and pulled out the arrow inbedded. Light began to swallow him into thin air and he was gone but not many seconds passed until I screamed. One of the other oni had put his sword straight into Allison's chest.  

    "No, this can't be happening." I whispered a tear falling from my cheek.

    Allison began falling towards the ground Scott catching her. The oni seemed to disappear, as if they just left so we could watch one of our friends die.

    I couldn't hear anything, for some reason my head started pounding. Pain surging and pumping through my veins. Just Pain. I gripped onto my head and fell to my knees finding it hard to breathe.

    I looked towards the sky a scene of Aiden a sword lodged into his abdomen came into view.  And then everything was gone and I was pulled back into reality. Allison was dying.

   "It's okay. It's perfect. I'm in the arms of my first love, the first person I ever loved. The person I'll always love. I love you, Scott."  -Allison Argent



   Unfortunately I wasn't able to connect myself to the internet while on vacation to Mexico ): So sorry guys, I was able to connect maybe once or twice but it was difficult to update. Again I'm really sorry but I'd appreciate [so much] any votes comments and follows! Thanks for being awesome readers, constructive criticism is very much welcome (:






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