Chapter Thirty Six

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Once we arived I looked everywhere ready if something was out there. I don't know if it was the leather jacket or the combat boots, but for some reason fear felt like a thing of the past. I began to listen to Scott's heartbeat and I knew he was scared, but trying to control it. I realised I still had a gun in the back of my waistband.

I decided not to pull it out, I didn't want to risk being disarmed. If there was something out there the element of suprise would definately help. We went inside, Scott and I could feel something else was here. Thoughts swirled in my mind remembering how the shape you take reflects your character. I specifiy recall Lydia's remark over Kate, "What kind of shape is a sociopathic bitch?" I smiled a little remembering. Scott raised and eyebrow looking at me as if I was derranged.

We kept walking, Braeden pointed her gun in every direction ready for something to happen, I'm guessing even Ms. Badass has nightmares. After a few minutes of walking we saw something morbid , yet somehow it looked familiar. It appeared to have the skull of a cow, a rib cage, and some other skeletal body structures. I took out my gun watching the creature. I forgot most of what happened next, all I remember was when Scott roared and the cow head creature disapeared. After we entered another passageway we found Derek. If it wasn't for his attire and his striking green eyes, I might not have recognised him. He was burried in some ancient tomb and covered with cobwebs surrounding him.

We pulled him out of the wall as he was stuck. Derek wasn't in his early twenties anymore. Kate must have done something to change him back to when he was seventeen. I blinked a few times to see that this was, indeed, real. At first there was this pang of guilt that hit me, maybe if I had just tried harder to find him this wouldn't have happened. I personally took a mental note, I could trust Cassandra she would help me.

Derek could barely walk, Scott and I took a shoulder and he limped outside. When we got outside no one believed what they were seeing.

I couldn't understand it myself. Derek was seventeen again.


Derek was laid out on Deaton's table unconscious. I stepped toward him and held onto his hand, "He's really cold." I looked towards Deaton. I blocked out most of everyones' questions. I just stood there not knowing what I should do. I was greatful that we found him, but now how are we going to get him back? Deaton said something about him not being in danger and how we should go to sleep. We did have school tomarrow, but I didn't care. I needed to stay here with Derek.

"I'll stay." I stated in unison with Lydia.

I looked towards her and gave her a small smile. She smiled back and said to Deaton, "My grades are fine.." she then trailed off mumbling something. I was so out of it, I couldn't hear what others were saying. I stared at the younger version of Derek, he didn't remember anything. He was younger both physically and mentally, he wouldn't remember me. And just the thought killed me. I sat down next to Lydia and sighed. I just stared at him for hours trying to figure out how this could happen. What was Kate's motive in this anyway? What would she gain by doing this to him? And what was her next move?

Hours passed and my eyes got tired but I remained awake. After awhile I couldn't help, but drift off to sleep.





I grumbled in my sleep but Cassandra's voice remained constant, repeating the same words. I stood up, rubbing my neck, I went over to Derek. Cassandra's voice faded away as I looked at Derek. He was just so different, the proof that pain can change someone drastically. I lifted my hand to his face, gently caressing his cheek. I stood there for awhile just standing there. A single tear streamed down my face and I let it fall to the ground.

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