Chapter Fourty Four

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I jumped up and ran out of the woods the snake had fallen out onto the ground. I kept running until I was in front of my car. I got inside and drove crossing over the speed limit, but I didn't care.

I needed to tell Derek, he needed to know about Cassandra. Adrenaline pumped through my body, giving me a form of confidence to tell him; as I got to the loft it had all diminished , I couldn't.

I couldn't tell Derek I was going to leave Beacon Hills, what would he say? How would he react? What if he didn't react? What if he didn't care? He probably wouldn't, why would he? I wasn't anything special, I was never the prettiest, or the nicest, I was what some have called smart but never the smartest. I wasn't anything. Derek deserved better, and he would find it once I left.

But that didn't mean I couldn't enjoy the time I had with him now. That didn't mean I couldn't enjoy the time I had left with my friends. I knew I had promised to come back, and I would, but now I feel like maybe everyone would be better off without me. Nobody needed me. Yet I needed everyone. I just wanted to be needed, as if without me someone wouldn't be able to function.


I opened the steel door to the loft without bothering to knock. Although, I wasn't going to tell him I was leaving I had to tell him about Cassandra. Derek walked down the spiral staircase, his hair wet and only wearing a towel around his waist. I looked around trying to avoid looking at him.

"Sky?" He asked walking over to me.

"The clouds the sun and atmosphere all in one room." I shrugged sarcastically. I then proceeded to laugh at my own joke, in which Derek just raised an eyebrow.

He shook off his confusion and asked what was wrong.

"Nothing," I responded too quickly. I mentally face palmed at my failure.

"Fine, I...need to tell you something," I spoke my voice a mere whisper.

He stepped towards me once more, "Are you okay?" Concern trailed in his voice.

"I don't know." He walked towards me and enclasped my hand with his, as a strange feeling swept over me.

I stared at our hands trying to find out how I could tell him and if I should tell him in the first place. He proceeded to give me some time to think, which I was greatful for. A stray piece of my hair fell in front of my face, and I pulled it back behind my ear.

"Okay. This is just going to sound incredibly strange but there's a voice in my head and it's not my conscious." I looked up to meet his eyes searching for any expression; he just seemed to listen to me, intent on my every word.

He gave my hand a small squeeze telling me to continue, and so I did, "Her name is Cassandra, but that's not the only thing. I have these visions.. It's my fault why Allison and Aiden are dead." I looked towards the floor my vision beginning to get a bit blurry but not a tear came out. "Its all my fault. It was all my fault I could have stopped it, I just didn't believe this could be real. Its all my fault." I shook my head repeating the same phrase over again, my voice much softer.

Derek spoke to me in a hushed tone I never really heard him ever use before. "You can't blame yourself, anyone in your place would have done the same."

I looked around at the room, imbedding into my brain every detail I saw. The big windows showing our reflection as well as creating a great view of this side of the town. There was something about the window that drew me towards it, yet it felt strange. I took a few steps towards the window and saw a face again. She stood, a woman with dark hair. Beautiful brown eyes and a slim figure, she stared back at me and I couldn't bare to take my attention away from her. A few seconds past until she crouched down and turned into a black wolf; her eyes glinted a dark red and the image disappeared. I subconsciously spoke, "Talia Hale." I hadn't known the words until they had slipped out of my mouth. I took a step back, as if waking up from a trance.

I turned towards Derek who looked at me confused, "I'll explain but you should.. Uh.. " I stuttered a bit, "Wear something other than a towel."

Derek furrowed his eyes as if remembering something then shook it away, "Right."

I waited until he was back, simply wearing a black v-neck and jeans. "Before you start there's something I have to ask." Derek spoke his voice expressing no emotion.

"What is it?" I asked yet knew what was coming. I had avoided speaking of what had happened the night Derek was back to his actual age because I had honestly been afraid as to what was wrong with me.

"Skylar what happened the day I came back to my regular age?"

I let out a sigh, "I know what your asking. Honestly, Derek, I have no idea how I could do what I did. I was scared, I could feel it, I was going to die. But then I saw you and there was just this numbness all over felt like.. some type of power."

"Can you do it now?"

I shook my head, "I haven't tried."

"Your eyes were different. They were a very light blue."

"I promise I have never killed anyone." I said as I looked at him for any sign of uncertainty or doubt.

"I wouldn't believe you if you told me you did." He looked towards the window I had stared at just a while ago, "What did you see?"

I didn't answer his question but instead asked another, "Could you're mother shift into a full alpha wolf. A black one?"

He nodded. "I think I saw her. I'm not sure, I've been seeing things lately. Hearing things too. Sometimes it's Cassandra and sometimes its just me." I couldn't exactly explain everything to him because I couldn't trust myself into knowing if it was real or not.

"What do you know about her, Cadsandra?"

"I think she was the princess of troy. Although it might just be a name coincidence, or something."

I suddenly remembered what had just happened a while back and how I had ended up here in the first place. "There's something else."

I considered it might have just been some aberrant dream, but I was almost definite that I was awake.

"I was in the woods. There was this snake?" I said the obvious uncertainty in my voice even though I could remember it clearly. "It spoke to me and I understood."

Derek furrowed his eyebrows suprised, "What did it say?"

"Your days are numbered Skylar Sang Luna."

"Sang?" He asked as if that was the strangest thing out of the story.

"Yeah.. Its my middle name. My parents are wierd."

"Does it mean anything?" He asked.

"The past tense of sing? I don't know maybe in a different language?" I suggested not really knowing why he had asked the question.

"The name is familiar, I'm just not sure from where."

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