Chapter Fourteen

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   "I don't know I just need to know more about them." I was telling Kira about my plan on getting to know the guys more.  I had just learned a few things about Scott and Stiles. I barely knew anything about Isaac, Derek or Peter (Derek's uncle). I decided to ask all three of them a set of questions.

      I felt as if we were running out of time. As if something big was going to happen.



     Okay first off was Isaac.

   I asked him about what his anchor was and what it was like to be a beta. He didn't seem to trust me until I explained a bit about myself. Once I did he confessed a few things about how the Kanima killed his father. But that's all be said, at the topic of his father he didn't seem to want to talk much about it, and I understood.

I asked him how he would describe Derek and Peter. He told me more about what happened before I live here. He told me about Peter killing all those people.

     Isaac also included Derek and Kate Argent's story. Once I heard their story I developed a pure hatred for Kate, how could she have murdered innocent people?

       Next up was Peter. After all Isaac told me about him I wasn't so sure I wanted to meet him. I knocked on Peter's apartment door and he opened it ushering me to come inside. I asked him about the Hale fire and his vengeance. He didn't seem like a serial killer. He explained how he was going through some hard times and thathe had filled his heart with pure hatred. I didn't feel the need to ask him about his anchor, I just asumed it would have to do with something concearning the fire.

    I asked him about Derek, and that's when it all clicked. I figured out why Derek never acted his age and seemed so stern. Derek felt guilty, guilt could be classified as the worst feeling ever known. Peter told me about Paige. A long time ago Derek wasn't like he was now, Peter described him as being a lot like Scott. Paige and Derek were dating when they were younger, but Paige was human. Derek wanted her to know who he really was,  a born werewolf.

      The point was that Paige was bitten by an Alpha. Derek tried to stop it from happening even though it was his request at first. There's only two things that can happen if you are bit by an Alpha(With the exceptions of the Kanima and Lydia); you can either turn into a beta or your body will reject the bite and you will die. The sad thing was, that Paige didn't turn into a werewolf. The reason Derek's eyes were blue, was because he had killed an innocent and that was Paige, as she was dying she asked him to make the pain go away. And that's exactly what he did.

    "When you kill an innocent your eyes don't just turn blue but you yourself are different, emotionally."  I didn't know what to say all I really wanted to do was go to Derek but what would I do?

   "Umm okay.  Well thanks for letting me interview you. Well I uh gotta go bye Peter." I quickly left and texted Derek.

       Hey I'll be over at the loft in ten minutes.

  He answered after a few minutes saying he'd be there, like usual.

     When I got there I didn't really bother knocking. He knew I was coming anyways. I opened the door and met myself with Derek's shirtless back.  He turned around as I opened the door revealing his perfectly toned abs. If I had abs like that I wouldn't even bother to put on a Shirt.

      I just raised an eyebrow, pretending to be unfazed by his lack or clothing. He quickly grabbed a grey t-shirt and put it on.

     "So what did you want?" He asked nonchalantly.

   "How do you know I don't just want to hang out with my favorite mysterious werewolf." I replied sarcastically.

  "You're literally the girl version of Stiles."

   "Okay then, well I wanted to ask you stuff." I didn't know how to phrase this so I just ended up sounding like a six year old.


    "Okay then." He began to walk towards the table and sit down on a chair.

   I mimicked his actions and sat down on the chair opposite of him. "Okay so since I'm new to you guys I wanted to know more about you. Well not just you I also asked Isaac and Peter these questions."

        He simply nodded and I began asking him questions. Most of his responses were bleak and consisted of three to five words.

      "What's your anchor?" This question was the one that I looked forward to. Derek barely ever told me much about himself so hopefully this might be a conversation starter.

    "Anger." I was confused, how could anger be his anchor?

   "Anger towards yourself? Or anger towards someone else." I asked softly.

    He looked into my eyes and sighed, "Anger towards myself."

    After I asked him all the questions I had asked the others I asked him one more. This question seemed to be irrelevant, since it was more about me.

     "What color are my eyes?"


    "No I mean now, I don't know if they're black or if they're brown." I put my hands down on the table leaning towards him. This was a question that I always pondered on. I remember a boy once told me my eyes were a dark maroon, but I just didn't see it.

    He leaned over the table to try and get a better look. As he got closer I noticed how close our faces were. I could hear his heartbeat rising as he looked at my eyes, I didn't do anything I just looked at him as he observed the pigments that made up the color of my eyes. I tried to keep my eyes from staring anywhere but his eyes but they kept wondering down to his mouth. I knew he could hear my heartbeat so I tried to relax.

      He didn't move back from the two inches of air that separated our faces, "They look like a dark maroon, but only if you look close enough." It was a mere whisper, but it pulled me back into reality.

     I wasn't sure of what I should do, I wanted to sit  back down on my chair but at the same time I just wanted to stare into his vibrant green eyes. His eyes were just mesmerizing, they left me wondering how someone's eyes could be that shade of green. I looked away from his eyes and looked down and started blushing.

    "You're eyes are green." I implied probably sounding like an idiot, again.

   He simply smirked. And after a while we both simultaneously backed up and sat back down. I was still blushing but ignored it and asked him what happened with Cora. Anything to get my mind off of this whole weird thing.  And he told me all about how he thought she had died in the Hale house fire. Turns out Cora didn't die, she was in South America and when she came back the Alpha pack captured her. Derek and Scott saved her a Boyd but sadly the Alphas killed Erica.


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