Chapter Fourty Two

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Okay sorry for the mix up but I was having problems with chapter fourty. So when Skylar has a 'vision' she actually sees the number fourty  next to her name. If you have no idea what im talking about because you recently read the chapter then no worries. Sorry I was having technical difficulties.. Well thanks so Much for the votes I love you all so so so much !


I was leaning in to kiss Derek's cheek and bid my goodbye. He turned to the side, our noses almost touching and my heart beat began racing too fast for my liking.

     I wasn't sure on what was happening, all I knew was that this felt right. Heat radiated from my body, my palms beginning to sweat,  I was insecure.  Everything was so unexplainable, I couldn't decided- I just didnt know what to do. Derek looked deeply into my eyes, I made a choice, I couldn't let my insecurities get the best of me this time.

    But I was nervous, so I stepped back to catch my breath. Derek looked at the ground trying to avoid the awkwardness in this situation. He must have felt rejected, I didn't want him to. "Derek."

    He looked up but  never made eye contact, I stepped forward closing the space between us, and crashing my lips onto his. I placed my hands on his chest leaning into him, there was some sort of hesitation due to surprise but after a few seconds he was pressing me against my car door. I gripped at his shirt, while keeping one arm around his neck trying to pull him as close as I could. His hands remained on my waist holding onto the end of my shirt.

   We pulled apart and just stood there trying to simply breathe. I turned around and opened my car door not before glancing back and saying, "I'll see you around." He never said anything back, he seemed too surprised to respond. As I pulled out of the parking lot I couldn't help the huge smile from my lips, as I glanced back I saw Derek in the same place. He just stared at the ground smiling, and I couldn't help but feel different. A sort of hope that there was more to everyone than meets the eye.

    As I arrived home, I parked my car but never made any effort into getting out. I just sat there and sighed, I finally had what I wanted and I had to leave it all. I just sat in my seat, my hand still at the steering wheel.  I wasn't going to cry, because this wasn't going to be the end. This would just be the beggining to something new. In that leather car seat, inside my Chevrolet Camaro, which had a hint of a coffee aroma, I made a promise to my self. No matter what the circumstances I was going to come back to Beacon Hills, this was not the end of Skylar Luna.


    "Do you know what time it is?!" My mother asked anger in her voice.

   "Twelve-ish maybe." I shrugged, wanting to simply get inside my room without argueing.

   "It was a rhetorical question. Skylar where were you?"

   "Obviously not home." I said sarcastically, "Okay mom, sorry, I get it. I lost track of time don't worry, if you want I can call Lydia so she can explain how we got caught up at the movies because the movie we wanted to watch was sold out." I offered my mother my phone to keep up with the act.

     "Okay. Just be more responsible next time. Now go get some sleep."

  "Yeah, yeah love you too mother." I said, sarcasm in my voice. I glanced back to see her roll her eyes at me.

   Even though my parent's relationship with me wasn't the best I still appreciated that they were my parents. I knew my mother couldn't have anymore kids and other than the huge lie of my life they ironically weren't too bad. I was greatful they never mistreated me aside from the manipulative crap and hard core training.   

   I was out most of the time and they worked a lot, so I barely saw them. I felt guilty for lying to them, but sometimes it was just worth it. It wasn't as if I was doing anything wrong, I lied for their own good, specially since my dad was too overprotective. I also wasn't so sure on how they would react to Derek, but odds were pointing to 'badly'. I doubt they would understand, I just didn't have faith in them.

   I reached my bedroom and just layed back into my bed, staring at the beige ceiling. I sighed remembering what had just happened with Derek. I just kept replaying the scenes in my mind, recalling the little details, searching for anything I might have missed, afraid that I would forget. I may be leaving Beacon Hills, but atleast I would have this memory. I would always have this, unless it was ever forgotten.

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