Chapter Seven

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I was at my locker shuffling through my new notebooks and folders I had just bought for the school year. I had been sitting with Scott, Stiles and their friends but after Isaac's coutless stares I began to feel uncomfortable.

I decided to leave saying I had to arrange the books I needed for each class. It wasn't a total lie but it wasn't the complete truth. Mostly, I guess I just wanted to get away from that boy.

I had to admit it was sort of creeping me out, somehow it seemed as though he was trying to read my mind or something. And that's when I heard familiar voices. More specifically Isaac and Scott's voices. I couldn't help but to eavesdrop when I heard my name. They didn't seem too far away, the only reason I could hear them was because of my precise abnormal hearing.

"How do you know?" Scott asked.

"I could feel it. I sensed it she's like us, but I think she's an Omega. She doesn't seem of much harm." Isaac answered.

"How come I didn't sense it?"

"Because while you were there making googly eyes at Kira I was watching her, you were... distracted."


Isaac's conversation with Scott ran through my mind all day untill I couldn't resist the erge to look up the word they had used 'Omega'. What the heck was that suppose to mean? The word seemed familiar but I don't remember from where I had read it. When I looked it up all I found was something about the '24 letter of the greek alphabet'. I doubt that's what they had meant when they called me an Omega.

The first day of school wasn't that bad. Kira and I sort of just became friends since the first time I a approached her. We had exchanged numbers and had arrange to hang out someday- to get to know each other more. I could tell she was really into Scott even though she tried to hide it.

She teased me saying I was totally drooling over Stiles, which I completely denied. I just loved Stiles' sarcastic personality, and of course I thought he was cute. After all it was the first day.

When I got home I placed my backpack on my new rooms' wood floor. The backpack went down on the wood with a thud. I was so used to carpet floor. After plopping down on my bed, being an average bored teenager I decided to begin unpacking. I shuffled through my belongings, making sure to hang up all my pictures of my friends back in Wisconsin. I stumbled apon a picture of when Ian and I were younger about thirteen years old.

There seemed to be light coming from my eyes, I remember my parents teaching me how to control it. After a while I had learned how to take pictures and control the light my eyes seemed to emit.

I decided to hang up that picture as well reminding myself of the memories I actually did remember. I searched through boxes just remembering and reminiscing in the 'good ol' times'. I found four folders that were very familiar, the research for my project. I was about to throw away the folders when curiosity began to overwhelm my mind. I decided to look through some of the Mythology informathion that had been encrypted in the book.

Accelerated Healing

Enhanced Agility

Enganced Strength

Pain Transference

Memory Transference

All abilities that a werewolf possess.

I had all of those abilities well I didn't even know what the last two meant. I kept reading.

There are three types of werewolf classifications.

The Beta : A member of a werewolf pack. Eye colors usually include: Yellow (most common) and Blue (Of the Werewolf has killed an innocent).

One can become a Beta by being bitten by an Alpha or being born a werewolf.

The Alpha: Leader and strongest of a pack. Injuries inflicted by an Alpha do not heal as quickly as if done by a Beta or Omega. I werewolf can become an Alpha by killing an Alpha and physically 'stealing' it. Or by our will of character which is rare in many cases. Eye color: Red.

The Omega : The 'lone wolf'. A werewolf who does not have a pack, making then weaker in comparison to a Beta. Omegas are usually persived as the lowest ranking.

The was that word again 'Omega'. Did they really think I was a werewolf? They weren't even real, only something from stories to frighten children. How did they make an assumption like that? Questions kept filling my mind. I needed to find answers. I kept reading the whole section on werewolves.

Becoming a werewolf is said to rid others of asthma, illness, epilepsy and even cancer.

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