Chapter Six

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Today was the first day of school in California. I tried playing the 'I'm sick' trick on my parents but they weren't buying it. After a few minutes I hauled my body out of bed.

At first I was going to wear casual attire, a t-shirt and some shorts. I ended up changing and deciding to wear something nicer, after all it was my first day.

When I got there I didn't know what to expect. The school was a lot bigger than the one I used to go to. I didn't really meet anyone I thought was 'approachable'.

Untill history class, there were a few guys that smiled at me acknowledgeing that I was the 'new girl'.

The history teacher- Mr.Yukimura- announced to the class that Kira and I were both new. Not forgeting to mention that Kira was also his daughter.

Kira, seemed approachable so I decided to talk to her hopefully I'll make a friend on the first day of school.

"Hey Kira, I'm Skylar." I introduced myself while walking through the hallway with her.

"Yeah, you're in my history class. You know the class where my dad conpletely embarasses me."

I chuckled, "Hey it wasn't that bad, he just wants you to be noticed; you know make friends."

"I guess. Oh and if you're asking me to help you find your classes, I'm no help I'm already lost." She said looking around.

"Pshh don't worry, if we're late we have the excuse of being 'new' to the school." I reassured her.

"Can I ask you a question? Its really, really important." I asked making sure to stress on the 'really'.


"Are you 100% positive, because you have to answer sincerely." I made sure tk sound and act serious over the subject.

"Uh. Yeah, what is it?"

I looked around and saw the two boys who were also in our history class.

"Are all the boys here really atractive?"

I whispered.

She smiled and giggled in return. I'm taking that as a 'yes'.

"Okay which one is off limits?" Gesturing over to Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski.

She looked over at Scott and then looked down hoping I hadn't noticed. A light blush creeped up on her cheeks as I said, "Scott".

"Knew it," I teased.

"So have you talked to him?" I asked as they passed by seeming to be going outside to eat lunch.

"Nope, not really." She responded still blushing.

"Come on, then." I pulled her arm lightly making sure she would follow.

I let go of her arm once we reached Scott's table. We had over heard them talking about the state between life and death. Kira said she knew something about it, I think it was called bardo.

"Hey I overheard what you were talking about and it's called bardo. Its the transitional state between life and death." Kira informed them.

"And who are you?" Isaac questioned us.

"I'm-" Kira began to introduce herself but Scott cut her off.

"Kira." He answered for her, I could tell he liked her.

"And I'm-" I as well was cut off by Stiles, "Skylar."

"Uh yeah, Kira and I are new to the school." I explained, the group atent to what I was saying.

Scott then made room for Kira and I to sit down on the bench. And then I felt it, that weird feeling, it seemed to be coming from Scott. The same feeling was coming from Isaac, but the two differed from one another.

This sparked up my curiosities and I began to wonder what was going on. I felt a pair of eyes staring at me as if I had grown an extra head. I felt that I needed to reach my hand to my head to check. I looked up to meet a pair of blue-green eyes. I simply smiled hoping not to seem rude.

"And what hapens after you get through that stage?" Allison asked Kira.

"You die." Kira spoke as if death was a regular thing- which it sort of was.. but not for teenagers.

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