Chapter 2

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A week had passed since jake arrived at M/C house, jeremy knew that jake was the one one who got her in this mess, but he didn't want to start an argument with the two of them.

It was Saturday and M/C had found something else on Hannah's cloud , the night before and she had a plan....
She went to Jake's room, she knocked and went in without waiting for a reply. He was on his laptop , typing something and was startled because she usually waited for an answer, so he had guessed that it was important.

'Hello' , he said with a confused tone which M/C notted. 'Hey , i need your help with something, actually two things but i am doubtful that you would help me.' While taking a chair and sitting beside him. Jake was kind of hurt thinking about the fact that she doubted him and made a weird , confused face. 'Don't worry , it is not the way you think , i know you would help me with anything but this is something very ...umm.. complicated?'
She said with a grin. Jake was a little shocked because of how she just completely read his mind. 'Let's see if it's actually complicated?' He said jokingly. She smiled and said ' Can i use your laptop to see the duskwood map ,for a sec? You need to see this.' While taking a pen from the penstand and writing something on it. 'Yeah ,of course.'While slowly pushing the laptop to her side.

She opened the map and typed a address on the search option, and slowly pushed the laptop back which made jake smile. 'What is this ?' He asked looking at her. 'This was one of the last places hannah went to on the day of her disappearance. ' she replied , her eyes still on the screen . 'How did you find out?', he asked surprised with the news. 'I have my ways and besides you should take a look at this.' She said while giving him the paper that she had been writing . He looked at it with a cheerful face and ended up with a serious one. 'I know it's hard to believe but we have to go there...' she said with a worried look on her face while looking at jake, who couldn't make out what her plan was....
'You know the consequences if they find me ...... right? But you still want to risk it? Why? I mean why do you want lilly to meet me. I can't help you . I'm sorry but it's risky for me and i am staying in your house and you know quite well what happened with lilly , right? But you still want to do it ...' he said with an angry tone while M/C was listening and was a little shocked because of how jake acted to her without hearing her plan. After some time, she responded with a gloomy face ,' Anyway, i am going to tell you the plan , if you want to hear it or not.' not.' Which made jake a little shocked because normally she would not be so stuburn.'M/C , was there something else on Hannah's cloud which i dont know?'

'No' , she responded coldly. 'Now , no asking questions while i speak.' Jake nodded as it meant he understood.

' of the last places hannah went was her workplace ,so we're going to go there and pick up lilly on the way , I'll park the car a few paces before the workplace and while lilly will talk to the receptionist, to go look for something she wants to take from Hannah's room and then you will hack into the security camera in Hannah's room , then lilly will have 1 minute and 45 seconds to take the thing and keep it in her bag. When the guard comes in to check on the camera you turn it on, and while lilly comes to the car we switch places , got it?' She said while staring at the paper. Jake was a little worried about it and didn't reply. M/C got up and went to the door, 'get ready, we dont want to be late.' She said, but before jake could reply she was gone.
He had no choice and besides the plan sounded plausible. After about 15 minutes, they were driving to Lilly's house in silence , jake was driving for some reason she told him to drive the car and he agreed. M /C already told lilly the plan and she was excited about it, but she did not tell her that jake was going to be there. Finally they arrived at her house, lilly was waiting outside, she sat and then saw him and said 'who are you?' Jake realized that M/C hadn't said anything to lilly about meeting him. M/C got out and said 'I'll give you guys a minute. ' and she went to call someone. Lilly was confused and said it again with a shake in her voice 'who are you, really?'

'I am...jake. i dont think we have talked before.' He responded nervously, his hands nearly shaking , his heart beating fast, he could almost hear it and wasn't used to this. ' you escaped from your pursuers?' She asked without hesitation. 'Kind of, i guess... but i.. should thank you for helping me know what.' He said look at the window to see where M/C was, but he never saw a suitcase when lilly came in and M/C never said anything about it. 'Why did you bring the suitcase?' He said but this time he was not nervous. 'Oh.. M/C said that i should stay at her place for some time but she did not tell me why?' She replied with shock and confusion because in the change of discussion, before jake could reply M/C came in the car and said that we can go now. They drove in silence, nobody had talked during the entire ride. When they came to the place , lilly got out and did exactly what they planed without any mistakes. And she got what she was supposed to get without any suspicion raised at her. We changed seats , jake sat at the back and lilly was next to me. I actually expected to the police checking in one of the roads i was using but there was no one , not a single one. After we got to my house , lilly gave me the bag and i told her to go and wait inside with jake while i park my car, but jake did not get out , he just sat in there with his eyes giving me death stares , you can tell he was mad at me for lilly staying here with us. We didn't speak but when i got out to get in the house , jake held my hand tightly, he was angry. 'I want to talk to you.' He said with range but did not shout. 'Sure.' I replied camly but on the inside i was not , i kind of guessed it would happen. 'Why did you do it?' He said while still holding my hand tightly, but before i could respond he intrupted me. 'You really think it is a good idea to invite lilly while i'm here, seriously M/C. You know how much trouble i will get into if i did get caught because of some stupid plan , you know what it's like to run and hide from people who are looking for even a tiny bit of information about me and i just listened to you why? Do you think i am that stupid, you know how dangerous it is if they find out lilly and hannah are my step-sisters . What do you seriously think ,that you are playing a game? It's dangerous. Don't you know better than anyone else that it is dangerous for me or even you. You can be in serious danger if you dont be careful.... i dont even think you're trying at all, actually.' His tone becoming normal again.

'No, i am careful. ' i said camly.

'Carefull?, you call that carefull then i wonder what you call careless.' I smiled at this and said ' well, what do you want me to do? Lock all my doors and windows until this investigation is over? She said smiling. But this time jake did not reply, he just went inside without even waiting for me.

I went inside with the bag which lilly gave me , i was about to go to my room when lilly asked if everything was ok, she had seen us arguing, i smiled and assured everything was fine , she didn't say anything but i was sure she didn't believe me , she then went to her room which was next to Jake's.

I went to my room and took out the box from the bag, i opened the box to find a paper. It said:

'If anyone reads this , then i have already disappeared, make sure to see the stone side of the town and check behind and you will find another box which contains a necklace and in my apartment , in the attic , you will find a dairy which will help you find me, please hurry!!


Where past is forgotten ( A Duskwood Fanfiction) Female M/CWhere stories live. Discover now