Chapter 16

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I opened my eyes with difficulty, it was blurry at first,the light beaming in my eyes. After blinking a few times, my eyes adjusted and i could see properly. I was in the hospital, what happened? I was trying to sit but there was a sharp pain in my stomach. I didn't move after that, i closed my eyes and tried to ignore the pain in my stomach. It was getting more and more with every second. My lungs were hurting when i took a breath and my throat was dry. I needed some water, i tried to call a nurse or a doctor but the words were not more than a whisper. I stopped after some unsuccessful tries, i closed my eyes to relax a bit. When i heard the door open, i opened my eyes to see who it was.

'Oh....i see you woke up. How are you feeling?' The nurse said coming near my bed.

'Bad.... can i get some water?' I whispered, i couldn't tell if she heard it.

'Sorry i couldn't hear you. ' she said leaning forward.

'Can i get some water?'i repeated. She nodded and went to the table and poured some water into the glass and handed it to me. I tried to get up but i couldn't.

'Don't struggle yourself ,dear. You are pretty weak now. Rest a while.' She said helping me to sit. I took a gulp of water, my..... how refreshing was that. I could feel my throat ease a little. After some time, i was able to talk at least.

'What happened?' I asked curiously. All i could remember is the car accident and seeing the man without a face walk away laughing.

'You don't remember?' I shook my head. How am i supposed to remember when i was passed out.

'Well...... you had a car accident and you called the police before you passed out.'

'The car accident part i know but i didn't call the police.' I replied suprised, i know clearly that i never called police or anybody. Then who did?

'Maybe you don't remember, you better take some rest, I'll come and check up on you later.'

'Wait, where's my stuff?'

'All of your things are with the police, they said they'll give it back after they ask you some questions. ' i nodded. She went to the door and stopped.

'Oh i almost forgot your brother will be coming today. ' i nodded again. With that she left.

I didn't have anything else to do, so....... sleep? I guess. I was pretty tired even though i just woke up. I cautiously lay down and closed my eyes within a matter of minutes i was asleep.

Jake's POV

It was the day! I was going back without having the fear of being caught. I felt like nothing could go wrong, it was....... amazing? Whatever it was, it felt right. But none of this would have been possible if the others didn't put some sense into me. I should probably return the favor but how? I'll think of something later. But for now i have to pack my bag and go downstairs. Jeremy was picking me up, at least that's what Mr Frank (M/C's uncle) said.

I packed my bags and took my phone out, my how i missed it. They had taken it for a day or two for some reason. Anyway that's done and the first thing i opened was the messages. Hmmm..... let's see. Lilly, jeremy and the others private conversations. But not a single one from M/C..... weird. It might be that she was busy but did she not find any files from the cloud. Anyhow i was going there and i could talk to her. Maybe she found something and forgot to send it.
I checked my other messages which did not make any sense to me.

Hey ..... bad news..... did Jeremy tell u?

Weird..... what could be the bad news? I was a little curious about that but on the other hand i didn't want to know.

Where past is forgotten ( A Duskwood Fanfiction) Female M/CWhere stories live. Discover now