Chapter 1

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I woke up by the sound of my cell phone ringing . It was jeremy, my step brother , we have a great relationship for not even being in the same family . Sometimes he even teases me about it, i picked up the call and he talked to me in a cheerful voice , like always. He said that he finally decided to paint his apartment and i find it rather astonishing because when i told him that he should do it , he  always found a great excuse for why he didn't do it. But i guess people do change , i thought . We talked for a while about, where he is going to stay and all , i invited him to my place , it was close by and it wouldn't  harm ,right ?

Then i went straight to check my messages , there are many but not a single one from jake. I sighed , and said ' i hope you're safe ' , not realising  that i was still on the call, but thankfully jeremy was not on the phone. I certainly wouldn't want to tell him about jake but i did tell him about  Hannah's disappearance and the cloud hacking , he wasn't happy about because he was also a wanted hacker just like jake but somehow got out , thankfully.  I remember the times he was wanted , always travelling and hiding but he never used to cut contact with me like jake did. I guess Jake's thing was more serious , somehow. Anyways  i went to the bathroom to  take a bath and chage my clothes and then i went to eat breakfast. Luckily, it was Saturday otherwise I would probably have to tell jeremy to stay at the motel for a night. I was about to get his room ready for him but my phone rang , it was jeremy again, i answered thinking why he is calling me again. His voice sounded a little serious,  ' we might have a problem' , he said ,his voice not changing a bit. ' what is it?' I asked. He said ' will you allow one of my friends to stay in your house too? Because he is currently wanted like i was but his is way more serious and he talked to me about if he could come to my house but as i already said to buy everything to the painters and start the work today.....' ,' so....??' He asked like a teenager convincing his parents to throw a party.' Ok, no problem' i said without hesitation, i know more than anyone, how it is to be with a wanted hacker. And he thanked me with his normal voice , cheerful and full of joy again. He said that his friend would arrive first because he was in a hurry. And i asked when he was coming , he said 11 am . It was already 10:30 and i have a half an hour to do everything. Luckily i made extra breakfast and all i have is to make sure that the guest room is good. I did everything and was about to call jeremy and the door bell rang. It was exactly  11 , talk about punctuality, i thought .I opened the door to see who it was, i saw a guy about my age with a black hoodie and jeans , his hair was brown and eyes , dark black . He was holding two bags and i invited him in ,but he just stood there with his eyes wide, it was kind of awkward. 'Are you really Jeremy's sister?' He asked , still standing outside. 'Yes , why ?' Confusingly.  ' You dont look a bit like him and i'm just surprised, i guess.' 'That's because I'm his step-sister, and would you mind coming in?' I said with a smile. 'Yeah, sorry' he replied laughing. He came in and i took him to his room without saying anything.  At last 'did you eat anything?' I said, while entering the room. 'No, i didn't' he replied with a confusing look on his face, 'then you must be hungry?' M/c said , knowingly that he is. 'Not that much .' He said  ,taking his bag to the bed . 'I'll bring you something to eat '. Going out of the room before he could say no.

He was not used to this and he didn't think he will either. His impression on the house was really ....something . The house was modern and very big, it atleast consisted of  5 to 10 rooms , but the main thing was.... M/C. He was shocked to see her , the fact that she was his friend's step-sister , was something else. He looked around the room , it was clean and neat. But a photo frame on the shelf cought his attention, it was on the other side , he slowly walked over to it , the frame was turned down like it wasn't supposed to be there. He held it in his hand and saw four people standing in front of a wooden house.  Two teenage girls standing in front of their parents , one was smiling and the other seemed disappointed.  Their parents and the smiling girl were holding hands but the other one was a little distant ... too distant. While he was busy analysing the photo, he didn't hear m /c come in and put a tray of food on the side table , she didn't realise that he was looking at the photo until she got closer. 'That's my parents and my sister , when we went to our grandparents house .' She said ,making him look at her with gentle eyes. She had a sad smile on her face , she didn't realise that a tear atomatically came rolling down her cheeks, she wiped it hasty, hoping that he didn't see it. But he did and that made him think why she was crying  (almost crying )over some photo but of course he didn't ask. He kept the frame on the shelf and turned around to see a tray of food on the side table. 'I'll give you some time to rest' going out of the room, she was about to close the door ,when he said something strange. He said 'Thank you , M/C.'

M/C stopped because she was sure that she didn't tell him, her name . 'How do you know my name?' She asked with a confused look on her face while staring him right in the eye. He wasn't prepared for that and he couldn't even think of  any way to answer her question. He went blank....

'Are you listening?' She said while standing with her hands crossed, i nodded to let her know i was. I thought maybe it was time to introduce ourselves, i looked at her , her eyes still on me with a confused face , she didn't hurry me or tell me to say something  , she waited patiently. After some minutes, i finally said ' it's nice to meet you in person, you seem  nice....' She seemed shocked but she smiled and said ' so you thought i was not nice in person , right jake?'
'No...i..i' she interupted ' i was messing with you , take some rest and we can talk later, ok?' She hugged me and ,with a gentle smile , she left the room , i could feel my cheeks were a little red but i didn't know why.

On the other hand M/C was glad that she met jake, but on the other , she felt something really strange...but she didn't know what it was. She was talking to him after two weeks and seeing him probally freaked her out.

I'll post the next chapter soon*

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